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A Charlie for me tonight!


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Armed with my new U-caller, a lamp, my 12 bore and a handful of carts, I headed up to a permission which has a good portion of forestry on it at about 7pm - just as it got dark.


Had a mooch about in the dark for a while, and heard a fox bark in the distance. I headed over in that general direction, and let the caller make a few squeaks, the bark sounded again, a little louder this time. I had a quick sweep around with the lamp, and caught a pair of eyes shining back at me in the hedgerow about 75 yards away... much too far away for a shotgun, and I wasn't even 100% sure what the pair of eyes belonged to anyway!


I had a stroll down into the woods (bit scary on your own late at night! :blush: ) and after standing there in the dark for a while listening, I heard something moving about in the undergrowth. A few squeaks from the caller, a flash with the lamp and a fox head popped up out of the grass about 20 yards away, looking straight at me! Knocked it straight over with a single cart, and here she is! Much better condition than the last one I shot in the same patch of wood some months back.


I kept the tail as a trophy, now my next question is... how on EARTH do you remove the bone out of the tail!?



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cut around the tail skin make a loop in a boot lace or bailer twine around the tail where you cut pull hard tail will skin leaving bone on fox cure in methylated sprite for 2-3 weeks wash with fairy liquid and leave outside to dry


Deershooter :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I tried grippng the bone in a work vise, and pulling the brush off with string, even tried pulling it off with a chain block in the end but it still wont come off!!

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The string has to be around the bone not the skin, cut a 1/2 inch piece of skin off next to the body fold the string in half around the bone put both loose ends through the loop in the other end pull string tight put one foot on the fox and pull very hard with both hands you might have to wrap the string around a hammer shaft to get a good grip the tail shuld come off the bone


Deershooter :yes: :yes:

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Well done Jo Told you them callers are ok. :good: Its a pity you didn't have your GLASSES on last week when that fox passed by you.Then again that one was walking so you'd have missed it. :lol: :lol: :lol: Get your mum to hold your hand if you'r scared of the dark :lol: :lol: :lol: Get some practice in the woodcock have started to arrive.And the fishing has finished so plenty of ducks on the river. :good:

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