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I got the one for my Supersport (Comfortec - Don't know if it is the same as the one for the M2) from the shop at Doveridge, but take a deep breath - it set me back £60 ! :o If you bought your gun from there you get a discount, but otherwise, it may be even more - a phone call will tell. I am also told there is a dealer 'down south' somewhere that stocks them. good luck.


edited as I forgot to say which guns was for :blush:

Edited by Bloke
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I made my own spacer for my Benelli using two layer of plastic, Denny Essex will have to tell you the type of plastic, but cut the two pieces a couple of mm proud and put in a low oven to soften. Took about 10 minutes and they were pliable, pressed them between the wood stock and plastic butt and clamped in place for another 10 minutes to cool. A bit of rubbing and sanding and it was job done. I wanted to keep the original plastic pad in place as all the ones I could find int the thickness I wanted were rubber, and I find in the winter when I'm layered up the rubber catches my thick coat as I shoulder the gun. So I wanted something to go between the original stock and pad.

Cost, two off cuts of plastic.....

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Do you mean a standard Benelli replacement part? In which case GMK who are the U.K`S sole Benelli importer from whom all the other U.K. dealers get their parts would be a good starting place.


Their no. is 01489 587500.


If you want a non standard stock extension then google the U.S. gunsmith suppliers "Brownells" and use their site search engine to look for "Benelli stock extension."

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