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First fox for the new pulsar


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Sat out for a shot at a Roe this evening and this fella came along the fenceline as the light was fading. Could get a shot as he jumped thru the fence and into a rough patch. Ten mins later a smaller one came the same path and done likewise.


My pal stood up for a **** and looked to his right and this one was stood 75 yards away with its nose down.


Laid out beside the XBolt it was exactly the same length. Measured the rifle at home and is 46 inches.



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what do you reckon to the pulsar n550 then mate ive had one for just over a year now i ve had a lot of rabbits with it its mounted on .22rimmy so no foxes with it ive got a cz455 .17hmr aswell ive dropped one fox with that at 60yrds but thats it.cheers


Im impressed with it so far. I got the additional laser with mine and its good for out to 400 plus.

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Sat out for a shot at a Roe this evening and this fella came along the fenceline as the light was fading. Could get a shot as he jumped thru the fence and into a rough patch. Ten mins later a smaller one came the same path and done likewise.


My pal stood up for a **** and looked to his right and this one was stood 75 yards away with its nose down.


Laid out beside the XBolt it was exactly the same length. Measured the rifle at home and is 46 inches.





do you shoot deer with the pulsar nv?



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Looks like it, if the time is right its probably legal but very much opening yourself up for problems


Oh here we go. Its legal to shoot deer 1 hour before sunrise and after sunset. The pulsar can be used in daytime as well as night. Why would i be opening myself up for problems?


do you shoot deer with the pulsar nv?




Yes, i would, but not at night. But you knew the answer to that anyway, so why try and be devious?

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nice shot ,nice scope is that the one with tv/video outputs ,,,,very nice :hmm:


Tis, tho dont have the wee cam attachment.


Well done mate!What calibre are you using with the Pulsar?Been thinking of getting one for a while for my .22-250.Is the Pulsar good cos I've had both good and negative comments about it!?


I have it on a 22-250, i thought about it for a long time before splashing out. Glad i did, its a great bit of kit.

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Oh here we go. Its legal to shoot deer 1 hour before sunrise and after sunset. The pulsar can be used in daytime as well as night. Why would i be opening myself up for problems?


Its the use of an image intensifier thats iffy. No more peering through the scope at last light may seem good but legally its less so. Then you have the issue of prooving when it was shot were you ever stopped with a deer and nv gear at night having shot one earlier and stayed on for foxxes

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hi mate ive got the mpr unit with my pulsar mounted on a cz.22 for rabbits i lift the hinged lense cover up and attach the mpr unit to the flip up lense cover with two elastic bands so that its sat on top of the scope facing me then i can watch the screen on the mpr unit to see if theres anything sat out it just means you dont have to keep shouldering the gun to have a look not that its a big problem :good: ...atb

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