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the pelt man

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Been driving around Herts last week to see what might be on offer, when i found a Valley about 10mile away. It was being grazed by sheep and i saw large areas of chalk on the hill side. When i got the beno's out I saw Ant's, lots of Ant's. From that distance it could only be Rabbits, so strike when the Iron was hot I drove down to the Farm and asked if it was OK to Ferret them. I was told the football Club down the hill had complained about the damage to the pitches and the Farmer had told them if they wanted to sort it out they could but I said I would start clearing the Rabbits straight away so the Farmer said OK :D

So yesterday CP, young Tom my Dad and I arrived at 9am with:


9 Ferrets

70 purse nets

1x100m Long net

4 Gate nets


We set up on the first area and covered most holes and put the long net down the side of the Warrens blocking the hedgeline 50yards away, also placing the 4 Gate nets to try and block the way to the next set of Warrens 20yards further out into the field.


The action started almost straight away and we had 20 Rabbits in no time bolting into the purse nets. At one point young Tom was picking a Rabbit out of a net when a Rabbit bolted behind him from a unnetted hole and it lept of his back and run down the hill only to back net it self.

With Rabbit scrapes all over the place I found myself going A over T at least 3 times, the Farmer had come over to see us and as I was telling him all about Ferreting, 1 bolted and it run into the long net. I ran after it and tripped yet again, but my years of doing Ju Jitsu came into play and I done a foward break fall and carried on running jumping on the Rabbit distpatching it by chinning.

We were up to 40 by lunch, which I went and got for the lads then we set up on the secound set of warrens. Dad being 87 and wanting to watch the Gunners play the Blues, so he had left and we were down to 3. We had placed all the nets including the gates and long but we still had at least another 30 to 40 holes to cover.

The rest of the Day was spent trying to cover the ground, picking up back netted and bolted Rabbits out the nets.


At one point the Grounds man from the football club came to see us and asked what was going on as they had been told to get someone in to clear the Rabbits which they had sorted out and the Guy would be coming soon. So I told him to phone the guy as it was all in hand and he wouldn't be needed. The groundsman was OK with this then told me he ran another 4 clubs and would be needing us to clear Rabbits from there also :good:. It seems that I found this place in the nick of time and acting straight away has paid off no end.


We decided it was getting late and was time to pick the 9 Ferrets and all the nets before it got dark.

We had 2 Ferrets laid up by the time all the nets were picked, so we spent the rest of the time trying before dark to find the 2 Ferts. At one stage CP and I were following a signal from the Fert finder for about 20 yards down the hill only for CP to say "hang on a sec" then pulled out a coller from his pocket that he hadn't switched off yet :lol: :lol: :lol:. Back up the hill we finaly found where they were, laid up 4 foot down which CP soon dug down and pulled out the 2.

We gutted all the Rabbits and got back home for a ice cold Beer :drinks: , totally knackerd but well chuffed also a well pleased Farmer who cant wait for us to go back as he has hundreds of Rabbits on his Farm.


What a shame we cant get back until tomorrow :yahoo:


Well the final bag on this new permission with hundreds to come was 74


Thanks to CP, Tom and the old Man for a great day


PELTY :good:



Edited by the pelt man
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