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The Jackson

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Many people advocate just leaving them to rot in a ditch or undergrowth saying that they will rot down quite quickly, which is true to a certain extent, but I am not a big fan of this, especially if there are footpaths in the vacinity. I personally would not want a family out walking coming across a dead fox with it's ribs or "other bits" shot out or having their dog dragging one out of a ditch in front of their children.

Like Archie1234 (Who I have had the pleasure of shooting with on several occasions), I prefer to take them to the farmer to dispose of (At least that was he can then see that I am doing my job) or I bury them myself in a dung heap whenever possible/practical! The same applies if I shoot a number of crows that need disposing of!

"Out of sight, out of mind"!

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I tend to dispose of them if they're near a footpath, I have a shoot with an incinerator so they get taken there. If they're well out of the way of the public I will just bung them deep into cover, but they take a month or more to disappear sometimes and can smell a bit.


One thing I have found to work if I'm stuck is my incinerator at home. You need an oil drum and a leaf blower, which I guess if you used an electric one could be got fairly cheaply? I cut a hole in the bottom side of the barrel for a length of old flue pipe to go in and then tucked it in. Then I stick the nozzle of the blower into the flue pipe and run it at full throttle once a decent wood fire has taken.


I had a Roe go bad in the chiller a while back and that completely went to just ash in under an hour. :yes::good:

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I take mine to the incinerator so the farmer knows what has been shot i have to say i was driving behind a landrover a few weeks ago when one was thrown from the back onto the road it crumpled up next to the curb, i stop and move fresh dead foxes whilst driving around and the amount i find that have bullet holes in is suprising.


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I feed the ones we shoot to my Hawks. Birds of prey love them :good: it is good meat. I always freeze them first. I do not shot anything that is not eaten by myself or my animals.


Good for you.

I used to get asked for pelts - then for the brush (kids liked to hang them in their bedrooms) now I just have to bury them. Seems a waste.

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