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Recommend me a pellet


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evening all it's been a while since I had a 177 so what's the best pellet available for vermin shooting out to about 30 yards as I have just managed to get a new lighting xl tactical for my son for Christmas.also do you need to "run it in" so to speak many thanks

M1 :good:

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Thanks for the suggestions so far :good: It looks like the best ones that I used in my r7 ie field target and superdomes etc are still good even in .177 another quick question do you recommend still to zero at 30 yards like a .22 or does they differ :hmm:

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Its a case of trial and error I am affraid as not every gun likes every pellet , with a spring gun though steer away from real heavy weight ones ,all the pellets that have been mentioned are good starting points I use the superdomes myself but not through a lightning.

Have a look on ebay for pellet packs you can get around 200 pellets made up with 10 types expensive but enough to find out whats best in your rifle and will save you money in the long term just go for the one that groups best.

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My old supersport of years ago pretty much shot anything, think wasps were a bit flighty!


To 30 yards I bet them cheap Milbro Peter Lawman has advertised at £1.75 a tin would do! I use to use them years ago and still do :good:


A thirty yard zero will have you about only 1/2"down at forty and probs less than an inch high at 15yds :yes:



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My old supersport of years ago pretty much shot anything, think wasps were a bit flighty!


To 30 yards I bet them cheap Milbro Peter Lawman has advertised at £1.75 a tin would do! I use to use them years ago and still do :good:


A thirty yard zero will have you about only 1/2"down at forty and probs less than an inch high at 15yds :yes:




Are you sure about those figures? with a 30 yard zero the highest point will only be a couple of mil and at around 22 yards. To get even a half inch at 15 yards would mean a primary Zero at about 11 yards and a secondary about 50 yards.

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Are you sure about those figures? with a 30 yard zero the highest point will only be a couple of mil and at around 22 yards. To get even a half inch at 15 yards would mean a primary Zero at about 11 yards and a secondary about 50 yards.

no, I not sure, knew it not much though :) Maybe the spring is knackard :D


My appologies.



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no, I not sure, knew it not much though :) Maybe the spring is knackard :D


My appologies.



Have a look at "chairgun" or better still, download the Hawke BRC set up, thats really good for working out zero, range, holdover and holdunder. The BRC is really easy to use so it suits me, I'm bloody hopeless with computers!

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Jsb exacts for me. And recommend them, roughly the same as the air arms fields but no where near as many bashed/wasted ones. I find my gun gets on with falcon accuracy plus aswell. But with the jsb's only costing a tenner there what I stick with. Kill well, group well, good down the range too.

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got the same shooter xl 1.77 and i found it a right *** for pellets. I tried superdomes and frankly they were **** wouldnt seat in the barrel proper. The absolute best i found was JSB exact in 4.51 fit spot on not too tight not too slack smooth to shoot and are super accurate. I also tried the AA diablo field which are very similar but seem a harder lead and give more of a heavy crack and are more money. Another good thing with the JSBs is they are quite cheap i think i paid £8. :)

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