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Adding a security code to a CD


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come on who else is thinking it??


I'll say it - He said DATA, not porn! Yes there is a way. my daughter has to occasionally carry patient data with her, she is issued with encrypted data sticks, and when it needs to be CD or DVD, they can use encryption software. I think there are some free programs out there, but if this will be a regular thing, it may be worth buying a full pro encryption software pack.

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Simple if its data, enclose in a zipped folder and password protect it.


Easily 'hacked' are the zip passwords (or they used to be). Plus, you have to decompress and it's a faff (with more risk of data being replicated).


Have a look at http://www.truecrypt.org/ but beware, there is no 'back door'. So if like me, you forget your password - you're stuffed :)


...plus it's open source

Edited by huffhuff
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