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A hat trick of Dogs

Davy Holt

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I took a spur of the moment trip out with the triple to see if any foxes wanted to come out to play in what turned out to be a rather miserable night. It took a while, but eventually one appeared out of nowhere 80 yards in front of me, as he was standing facing me I put the cross hairs between the eyes and sent a 50 grain V-MAX his way. The loud thud and the sight of him crumpling signalled a solid hit, on closer inspection it was just a tad too solid. Out of the 48 foxes I’ve shot with the v-max this was by far the worst damage I had seen, one thing is I know for sure what was the last thing to go through his mind ;)

I picked up the carcase and went back to my shooting point and got myself sorted out again, I flicked the lamp on and bingo another on was sniffing around the "bits" of the first one. As this ones head was down and he was side on he got the v-max in the engine room dropping him on the spot. This was by far a better looking fox and one that could be photographed :)




by the time I got sorted and put the lamp back on there was another one at the same spot, this one however didn’t hang about when lamp went on him and he was off like a scalded unfortunately for him he stopped when he thought he was safe in the field belonging to the next farm Unfortunately for him I also have permission on that ground :) and he was sitting only a couple of yards away from one of my range markers 320 yards out and the conditions were ideal for taking a long shot :) As I've been shooting this gun and round out to just over 420 yrds and had crows with it at that range so I knew it was more than capable of doing the shot so a quick check of my notes and a double check on ISnipe gave me the corrections to dial in. I put the cross hairs on his chest and let the round go, he fell to the ground and was quickly followed by a loud thud.. result :good: By this time I was a tad damp and I dint fancy another trudge down the muddy field so he's still sitting where he dropped, I’ll let the farmer know he is there and get back out over the next few days and collect him.

So all in all despite getting soaked, I got my first hat trick and my furthest kill shot on a fox.. not a bad evenings work :)

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Thats impressive shooting. I can't believe the last one stayed around long enough for you to check out your clicks on your ballistic calculator :lol:


I know, I couldn't beleive it myself and it was the fact that he had sat there for so long that was the decidning factor to take the shot, I thought by the way he took off when I first put the lamp on him he would still be running just now :lol: he must have thought he was safe in the next farm.. silly mistake :)

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Thanks Guys :good:


i think I used my quota of luck up for this week, was out on Tuesday night and seen another two foxes but couldn't get a clear shot. Went stalking on Thurs, spent ages getting into position to take a shot at a nice Roe doe only to miss it by 12 inches to the right.. just as well I had went for a neck shot or it would have been a seriously bad shot in the gut :( and just to run salt into the wound the deer didnt even flinch, it just put it's head back down and continued to feed :lol:


back home i gave the gun a good check and (hopefully) found the problem one of the screws on the front mount was slightly slack so tightened it up again and now just need to re zero. fingers crossed that will get me back in action :)

Edited by Davy Holt
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