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Beretta 686

Wharf Rat

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Someone gave me a few 21g Express at a clay ground yesterday. Really light recoil and fine for claybusting, but; the Beretta is a 1988 and not really made for lighter loads I am told? It certainly refused to select the second barrel once. I am wondering about using 24g, but before I go and buy a slab, what is the lightest load that other people can use in a 686 of this vintage?

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Interesting a friend has a 686 older model early 90's IIRC and she only shoots Eley First 21g resets fine, perhaps a trip to the gunsmith is in order! Might just need a not so harsh spring in the mech fine as long as your not using 50g loads regularly.

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a little tip for oldish Beretta's like this ( I had one too ) is to remove the stock and use a hair drier or a heat gun at low heat and give it a good warmin as old oil has a habit of cakin and fillin gaps were movin parts should be movin, I know this to be correct as the same thing happened to a mates old 687 game gun last week, the gun smith showed him what to do, before he thought it was broken, it was recommended that a light spray of Brunox be used before refitting the stock :good:

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Steep the action in solvent of some sorts ie petrol,white spirit,brake cleaner then re oil after drying. You can also gently clean with a toothbrush whilst in solvent. I spray loads of oil on my actions so it gets in everywhere then I blast it with compressed air to blow the oil off leaving a thin coating on the surface but it has got in the pins and places it needs to lubricate.


ATB figgy

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