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interesting experience at clay ground


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Do we have to wait for a crime to be committed before we get concerned about a drunk bloke wandering around a clay ground asking for a go on a gun? I'm not really sure what point you are trying to make but it does seem that you think anyone that raises an eyebrow at this sort of situation is stirring up some sort of trouble themselves.


Reading between the lines though you seem to be accusing the OP of exaggeration or some sort of mischief making?

You dont need to read between the lines, ive stated clearly what i think. You lot are no different to the nosey ***** who phone the police cos 'they saw a man in the field with a gun' just to cause aggro. If the op was so worried why dident he phone the sweeney, he wasnt that worried, he just wanted a scoop for pigeon watch.

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While the chap has not technically breaking the law I don't think doing anything other than alerting the ground staff and politely refusing giving him a go could have been done. I dont think him being Polish is at all relevant.

Edited by HDAV
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You dont need to read between the lines, ive stated clearly what i think. You lot are no different to the nosey ***** who phone the police cos 'they saw a man in the field with a gun' just to cause aggro. If the op was so worried why dident he phone the sweeney, he wasnt that worried, he just wanted a scoop for pigeon watch.


your getting boring mate, you poor attempt at trolling isn't working.


the police were called, by the clay shooting ground.


While the chap has not technically breaking the law I don't think doing anything other than alerting the ground staff and politely refusing giving him a go could have been done. I dont think him being Polish is at all relevant.


nothing against polish people. but when I was trying to get the fellow to ****** off the language barrier was a real problem.

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your getting boring mate, you poor attempt at trolling isn't working.


the police were called, by the clay shooting ground.




nothing against polish people. but when I was trying to get the fellow to ****** off the language barrier was a real problem.

Yet you were the one who was so traumatised by it all. No trolling just got my bs radar on tonight. Over and gladly out!! Edited by unapalomablanca
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Shame this idiot turned up and spoiled your shooting Artschool, He could have caused all sorts of accidents wondering a clay ground half cut, you pay your money to shoot clays not deal with drunk morons, he should of just been ejected so people could get back to what they paid for.


If he had any brain cells he should realise that if he really wants to try shooting he should turn up sober and talk to the owner about the best way to go about it, he was obviously just a simpleton.

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If anybody as a sensible gun owner and shooter doesn't see anything wrong with giving some **** head your gun at a shoot especially when he's under the influence doesn't deserve to have a licence. I wouldn't let a stranger have a go with mine, never mind a ****** up randomer. Accident waiting to happen

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