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SGC Cabinet location problems


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Firstly Hi to everyone on PigeonWatch!


Ive just put in for my SGC in Essex. I currently live in a grade 2 listed period cottage around 300 years old. It has not supporting brick walls and is mainly of timber construction.


I have installed a gun cabinet that I have had for years which is BS certified. I have it lying down on its back secured via 6 2 inch coach bolts to a wooden floor, up a ladder in what can only be described as an indoor balcony galley area. Access is only by the wooden ladder which is almost verticle. There is no windows where it is located and no direct access. It is completely out of sight and the space is only used for general storage of old bits and bobs. No one entering or coming into the property would have any need nor would want to really go up into this area. Would this be suitable to be approved by the FEO?


I have stood next to the cabinet and giving it as hard as pull as I physically can and there is no budge in it whatsoever. Its just everywhere that ive read has said a load bearing external wall..


Thanks guys ill add a couple of pictures of its location and see what you think!




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I don't know what Essex are like but i wouldn't have thought it would be a problem, just as secure as a lot of cabinets rawlbolted to a wall, especially the soft red victorian bricks we have round here.



Thanks JR1960! yeah well I was thinking that it should be ok. I have some outbuildings but the brickwork is all crumbling and really not an ideal spot this was the only available location in the house that I deem secure enough in regards to being out of the way out of sight and reach. Hopefully FEO will be satisfied. I also put on the form regarding where shotgun was to be kept a request for the FEO to advise but I sort of got bored this week being off of work so installed it anyway... If nothing less its somewhere for the air rifles and or Ammo eventually!

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I live near Braintree, same problem with a period timber construction house as you, my FAC cabinet is coach screwed into a floor beam in the loft just as yours is and passed fine - oak beams are much harder than soft tudor brick anyway!


I had more trouble with the FEO thinking my access ladders were a bit iffy and not being sure he wanted to go up to check it! :)


I've got another FEO visit tonight for my SGC, I got another cabinet for the (prospective) shotguns which is bolted through an internal wall, big batten on other side to spread the stress across a number of uprights. See how that goes.

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I live near Braintree, same problem with a period timber construction house as you, my FAC cabinet is coach screwed into a floor beam in the loft just as yours is and passed fine - oak beams are much harder than soft tudor brick anyway!


I had more trouble with the FEO thinking my access ladders were a bit iffy and not being sure he wanted to go up to check it! :)


I've got another FEO visit tonight for my SGC, I got another cabinet for the (prospective) shotguns which is bolted through an internal wall, big batten on other side to spread the stress across a number of uprights. See how that goes.


Good luck jimmyvonk! Its not screwed into beams but a wooden floor. I have no loft access and it wouldnt be safe to get up there anyway! The floor however used to support and bed and the like so I am hoping it will be okay. hopefully being in such an obscure location it will be fine. Lets hope he can get up the ladders lol

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It doesn't have to be a load bearing wall, it is what is reasonably practical. From what you've said, you have done all that is reasonably practical and unless you have an FEO who's a complete wan ker you shouldn't have any trouble.

When I first got my SGC a couple of years ago I was in a wooden hut, all I could do was screw it into a 2x4 beam on an internal partition and it was also bolted to a small safe screwed into the wooden plywood floor.

The FEO wasn't keen on it just being screwed in but accepted it as there was no other way of doing it.

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Thanks all! Yeah I suppose they could run a circular saw round it but good luck getting it down the ladders and past our dog lol dog sleeps just next to the ladder and jumps up at any bang/noise in the night. Fingers crossed I'll keep you updated! I've made foam Inserts so guns shouldn't get damaged.

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Re the circular saw, once you bring power tools into the equation, no ones cabinet is safe. Angle grinder? Plasma cutter? A domestic gun cabinet is only really a deterent to a casual thief and most FEOs recognise this. If someone has come equipped specifically for your guns, it doesn't matter how your cabinet is attached. To the OP, welcome to PW, I reckon that will get passed no problems :yes:

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Depends on your officer i suppose, are the floorboards such that they could argue a robber could run a circular saw through 2 floorboards and lift the cabinet and floorboards out and get into it later?

That thought is only playing devils advocate, but it still a thought.


think about this, i mean really think hard about it. my situation cabinet screwed to an external wall, old bungalow 9inch wall rendered & plastered. so if someone comes for the guns they chip the render away and crow bar the thing off the wall, but then the have to lump the thing around full of guns (8) ammo bits and bobs ect ect.or the rather wait for me to go out shooting hit me over the head with a bat and take the gun, or come in my house boil the kettle and tell me they want the keys to the guns or ther tipping the kettle on my son, guess what im going to do.

now to the op, argue it out with him if its the only space to put it, mine raised of the floor aswell

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Re the circular saw, once you bring power tools into the equation, no ones cabinet is safe. Angle grinder? Plasma cutter? A domestic gun cabinet is only really a deterent to a casual thief and most FEOs recognise this. If someone has come equipped specifically for your guns, it doesn't matter how your cabinet is attached. To the OP, welcome to PW, I reckon that will get passed no problems :yes:


yea fair one...

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