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Remember the big cat thread ?


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Cant find the thread , but can anyone recall the one where a "big cat" had eaten a deer there were some picks on the thread , it also made headlines in the papers, they were going to take DNA to prove that it was a big cat , some thought it was, others like me said what a load of tosh , well the DNA result was in the Mirror yesterday tucked away in a small colum and guess what--




















Edited by fenboy
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I don't believe the fox could kill it.......scavenger though, clean up the bits.


Conspiracy theory here we go.


Wild animals (deer) get sick, injured and die of old age etc all the time, I have no recollection of this specific thread but in principle a fox will not go near a healthy deer, however, they will pester/potentially kill an injured/sick deer.


I have seen it myself, a fox was up the rear end of an injured Roe Doe which was obviously very lame (for some days) with a really bad rear leg, the fox was actually nipping at it's ****. I decided to shoot the fox but it disappeared before I could take the shot, so thinking about the situation I actually shot the deer.


The fox ate well, the deer didn't suffer anymore.

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How do wild cats dispose of their stools, also what make of camo clothing do they favour?


Good points. Who taught them their impeccable green cross code skills which prevent roadkill, and how do they make their corpses disappear without trace when they croak? And despite the hundreds of 'sightings', how come no one has produced a photo which isn't clearly a fat moggie or out of focus black lab?

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