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32" Silver Pigeon 1 Sporter

Spara Dritto

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Has anyone used one / got one and compared it to the 30" version?

I'm only ever shooting clays and I wonder if it makes much if any difference having the longer barrel to smooth out my swing? I currently have the 30” with Teague extended chokes in making it roughly 31" (just under) would you say they have fairly different handling characteristics between the two?


Many thanks.

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No shops have them in :( It appears that the 30" is far more popular. 3 shops said they can get them in, but need a deposit... Great... On average they say, every 32” gun they sell, they sell 30 30” guns.

Not that that advice helped me one bit...


You would have to be a good shot to notice the difference


If you want a smoother swing maybe a heavier trap type gun would help more. Not longer barrels :hmm:


I think you've summed it up Mike.. I just want to try one to convince my self it's not really worth the 400 quid I'd have to pay and P/X my gun.

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Another way of looking at it is that for every 30 shooters who switch from 30" to 32", only one ever goes back :yes:;) . Personally I don't believe the extended choke makes a difference but shoot a 32" gun long enough to gel with it and then try and shoot a 30" :no: , it'll feel awkward believe me.

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No shops have them in :( It appears that the 30" is far more popular. 3 shops said they can get them in, but need a deposit... Great... On average they say, every 32” gun they sell, they sell 30 30” guns.

Not that that advice helped me one bit...




I think you've summed it up Mike.. I just want to try one to convince my self it's not really worth the 400 quid I'd have to pay and P/X my gun.


For what it's worth, every time I have changed my shotgun my shooting is instantly better for a few weeks but then my scores tend to drop back to the usual 80% hits, If it was me I would stick with your 30" Beretta & spend the £400 on practice & tuition.

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