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I do abit of sea fishing, around north and east yorkshire coast (may travel abit further afield this year)

over very rocky and sandy ground, all beachcasting


i am looking for a cheap reel, more as a spare reel to lend when i take my old feller and as back up if i ever need it


looking for something that will hold a good bit of heavy line


around £50


anybody know anything that would fit the bill and where to get...


any help appreciated!

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Hi There

In my opinion multipliers and heavy line don,t realy go together. You would be better off with a decent fixed spool if you want to go down the heavy line route. I use to like multipliers but since being able to fish again I stayed with fixed spool I can cast them out of my chair on Bridlington pier with no tangles at all and still get into fish. Last time out I got 10 whiting and dabs off the pier in 3 hours fishing i use 35lbs streight through.

I see you are in Malton have you looked in Boyes store? they stock some sea tackle. Also is the old lady still at the shop opposite Morrisons entrance? She use to know about any s/h tackle that was going cheap in the area.


Tight lines


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I would disagree. A well tuned multiplier will always out fish a fixed spool. Heavy line on a fixed spool will not cast any further as as line leaves the spool the angle between the line left and the lip of the spool increases very quickly causing more drag. A multiplier does not have this issue, but you do need to carefully control the acceleration of the spool with your thumb to avoid an over run.


Fixed spool are also not suitable for winching in heavy line under any tension as they will bend where they are mounted to the reel seat - multipliers are much more suitable for heavy work.


The problem you have is fixed spools are cheap. You can get a multiplier cheap, but they are false economy and the cheap ones are ****.


For the kind of ground you are fishing I would suggest getting a used reel and would suggest either a penn 525 or 535 ( I have both of these and they are bomb proof), a Diawa SL35SH or SL25SH commonly known as a "SLOSH" or possibly an Abu 7000 or 7500 ( but these are more delicate that the penn or Diawa.


Finally, you need to learn and practice with a multi, especially the bigger ones with heavy line. Your cast needs to be smooth and no jerks, unlike a fixed spool which you can cast as badly as you like without getting into problems. A fixed spool is not suitable for the ground you describe, you may have some initial frustrations with a bigger multi and heavier line but once you get used to it it is much more pleasurable to use.



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I take on board what you are saying Anthony. But if you read the post this chap wanted a spare reel for his dad to use.If his father does not have time to practice with a multiplier then a fixed spool would be a little easier to use. I have only fished this coast for 55 years so I have a lot to learn. Before my mobility problems I used a multiplier and was a backcaster. I now find that I can fish from a wheelchair using a fixed spool without the problems of casting that a multiplier would cause. Some fixed spool reels can cost a great deal more than a multiplier it is a matter of choice. Some people round here fish off the cliffs at Flambourough head and Bempton and most of them use high quality fixed spools.



I take on board what you are saying Anthony. But if you read the post this chap wanted a spare reel for his dad to use.If his father does not have time to practice with a multiplier then a fixed spool would be a little easier to use. I have only fished this coast for 55 years so I have a lot to learn. Before my mobility problems I used a multiplier and was a backcaster. I now find that I can fish from a wheelchair using a fixed spool without the problems of casting that a multiplier would cause. Some fixed spool reels can cost a great deal more than a multiplier it is a matter of choice. Some people round here fish off the cliffs at Flambourough head and Bempton and most of them use high quality fixed spools.



Sorry about the double

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Get an autobraked second hand daiwa reel or something, I use multipliers (Abu's only cos I'm a fan of them) but once you learn they're far better than fixed spool and I use 30lb braid on all of mine.


They don't like the old style firewire though as its a little stiff unless using a heavy lure, however the 100lg whiplash braid works a treat on my Abu 7000 Syncro it's the big water version for sharks and large preds as I fish in Singapore when we go there every couple of years.


Here though a little Abu is more than adequate just make sure you buy the swedish made ones as they outlast the new chinese counterparts and can be had fairly cheap on the bay if you're not bothered by scratches


Old Abu's don't have the autobrakes though

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Multipliers work well with heavy / thick line as the line level goes down quickly which means the spool has to spin quicker = more magnetic braking towards the end of the cast, when you need it.


I like the Penn 525, have a couple, but won't use them now as I don't go fishing regularly. Multipliers need constant practice OR lots of magnetic brake / rocket fuel oil. The occasional fisherman is better off with a quality fixed spool like a Penn Surfmaster.

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slosh 30 or sl30shv,brilliant rough ground reels,high gearing helps over rocky ground and the 2 mentioned are 6:1 retrieve which gets things moving quicker,the abu 7000 series reels do the job adequately,but have a slower retrieve,and again as already said the penn reels are great,ive used the 525,and 535 but the best penn reel i had was a mag 980,which are like hens teeth...



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I use a 7500c for all my heavy work. Even though its got a high speed retrieve its still not as quick as a coffee grinder for getting your gear off the bottom but I persevere. Line capacity isn't that good on heavy monofilament but whenever I've tried braid on a beach multiplier its ended badly. Anything less than 22lb BS mono and I find line can get stuck between the frame and the spool. I'm not selling this very well am I? :lol:

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