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SGC/FAC Delays


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  • 7 months later...

As a postscript to this thread, and out of fairness to Kent Police:


I posted my renewal application early August for a late September expiry. Received the new certificate about 7 weeks later, two weeks before the expiry of the old one.


Feedback from other applicants suggests situation in Kent much improved in last few months.

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As a PS to my earlier reply, It took just under six months for Linolnshire Police to process my FAC. The FEO visited around the 10 week mark, which was about the same as for my SGC a couple of years earlier. The hold up was all in the Admin department.Over 10 phone calls, I was given 9 different deadlines and various excuses, from "I have 3 or four piles of applications sitting on my desk" (How did they know which pile to take from?), to "We are told we are not allowed to even look at new referrals, only renewals, for the foreseeable future" - finally to be told "Oh,we have had your application, but someone forgot to change the status on the screen, so it kept telling us we hadn't got it, and nobody has checked it"! :hmm:

I finally decided to write a letter - not a formal complaint at first, keep it polite. I wrote a detailed timeline, with all the dates and responses recieved, stating that this was not (for now) an official complaint, but purely an expression of concern and frustration from the shooters point of view, at the apparent chaos in the department. To this day, they haven't even acknowledged receipt of my letter, despite that it was sent in both email and hard-copy format.

Funnily enough though, my FAC was processed in just over a fortnight after that. <_< No personal animosity, they are all really polite and friendly, but the admin side seems hopelessly understaffed and chaotic in procedural principles, I doubt it will improve now it is under the management of G4S. Good luck to all, and particularly those awaiting certificates. :good:

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As a postscript to this thread, and out of fairness to Kent Police:


I posted my renewal application early August for a late September expiry. Received the new certificate about 7 weeks later, two weeks before the expiry of the old one.


Feedback from other applicants suggests situation in Kent much improved in last few months.

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FAC took 6mths 2 weeks,(SGC already held) Durham & not very pleasent when i progress chased (only twice), want to put in for a veriation but due to experience will not bother.Most worrying fact, is that when the FLO came and i offered to show him my SGC as id,he said "Oh you hold a sgc do you?What have they been checking for 6mths,How could he poss come to do a home visit and not know i held a SGC???

Edited by Davyo
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