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Raynauds disease


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Ok My wife has suffered from raynauds disease for a few years now, and apart form the doctor offering her steriods there isnt much else that seems to help.

I have just about given up hope of finding anything suitable the help her with this apart form a decent pair of gloves, I am just wondering what direction you could point me to in getting a good pair that will stop her fingers going white then black within a couple of mins of being out in the cold .

Does anyone on here suffer from it and whats your trick / treatment .

Thanks Daz

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Hi Daz,

My Mrs also suffers with the same ailment on her hands and feet.

She struggles big time in winter with working on the farm.

We found hydrocortisone cream helps a bit but in all honesty the best thing is prevention.

When we first got together she was always frozen wearing wellies and naff gloves so I persuaded her to use the same gear I use when I'm ice climbing and its made such a difference.

Bridgedale summit series socks and 4 season winter boots combined with using decent gloves (no cheap thinsulate **** but decent Rab, mountain equipment etc)

Coupled with decent gear she swears by using toastie toes and hand warmers ( from Cotswolds or similar) that stick inside the gloves and boots and give warmth for upto 6 hours.

Hope this helps bud it's a pants ailment for sure!


Edit: forgot to say a big help was getting her to wear decent base layers, merino wool ice breakers. If the body core is warm then the body is less likely to move warm blood to the torso thus letting the extremeties like the fingers become cold

Edited by ben0850
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Ben thanks for that info , she does wear them heat socks that are about two inches thick so her feet are usually ok she keep her body warm with extra skins , but her fingers get hit badly due to poor gloves , we have any amount of hand warmers and invested in quite a few over the years .

The cream you mention is that the pile cream , that could be worth a try and what gloves would you recomend ?I had her to Go outdoors today to try on there stock but found most of them to be too big for her hands and we couldnt get a good enough fit to say if they would be any good or not .

Yankiedoodle thanks for the link I remember reading that when you first posted it ,We have tried the zippo hand warmer but found that it would not heat up properly , It came in a small pouch and once was in there went cold , think it was lack of oxygen that put the burner out but we found it to be of little use but thanks for the help its all appreciated .

Ps how did your great grandfather get on with his and what did he use in the end.


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My missus also suffers with this and Ben has just about covered everything she uses. One addition however is wrist warmers. She has some merino wool wrist warmers she wears underneath North Face mittens and she can manage a Sunday watching our boys play rugby & football.


No interest in shooting with me though. Phew! :shoot:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ben thanks for that info , she does wear them heat socks that are about two inches thick so her feet are usually ok she keep her body warm with extra skins , but her fingers get hit badly due to poor gloves , we have any amount of hand warmers and invested in quite a few over the years .

The cream you mention is that the pile cream , that could be worth a try and what gloves would you recomend ?I had her to Go outdoors today to try on there stock but found most of them to be too big for her hands and we couldnt get a good enough fit to say if they would be any good or not .

Yankiedoodle thanks for the link I remember reading that when you first posted it ,We have tried the zippo hand warmer but found that it would not heat up properly , It came in a small pouch and once was in there went cold , think it was lack of oxygen that put the burner out but we found it to be of little use but thanks for the help its all appreciated .

Ps how did your great grandfather get on with his and what did he use in the end.



Hi Daz

My Mrs has found that the best hand warmers are the disposable ones which you put inside the gloves and bin at the end of the day. Not that cheap but she finds they are worth every penny on those bitter cold days.

As for gloves, she gets the winter ones from Englebert Strauss workwear for the farm and they are ok but I've persuaded her when she doesn't need much dexterity (on the quad for example) to wear a liner glove and a mitt like I do when climbing.

I wear seal skins as a liner and have purpose made mitts from PHD Designs (probably well OTT for normal use) but the principle reminds the same!

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Janice(my other half)has this and we dive and shoot together,for her shooting she uses a silk inner glove and a tog24 bigfoot glove,its the best we found after trying a few,these little gloves are really warm,she also puts them on when we are in the car to keep heat in so to speak.

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