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ear plugs


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hi can anyone reccomend me some decent ear plugs NOT MUFFS i just threw a box of cheap ones on the fire as they would go down far as they expanded to quickly and i could still hear the bang preferably the ones that you roll up then you put them in and they expand but i wouldnt mind a pair of decent electronic ones that work thanks

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It is a poor site, I'll agree. But the plugs are as you'd expect, moulded plugs that fit your ear. Pretty much the same as all the others (just a bit cheaper and has people that really know about the ear making them).


They do have a pic (kind of). Imagine it without the earphones.



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I have a pair of Howard leights and a set of Napier pro 10, I also use roll up ear plugs but turn them the other way around as they kept falling out of my ears.


The Howard Leights are excellent but too bulky for field work but great for target work.

The Napier are excellent, I was actually very surprised how effective they are, but you must them put them on as described in the instructions.

The ear plugs are good and I don't mind loosing them, but they can work loose so I check them every now and then.

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