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Excess rimfire ammo

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Hello all,


When I purchased the rimmy about 12 months or so ago I bought my full allowance of ammo but only in one make- CCI. As i soon found out, these seem to chamber very tightly in my CZ 452, to the point where it's almost a 2 handed job to close the bolt. now use the winchester subs and these cycle a treat as well as being accurate. Trouble is i'm now stuck with 250 approx rounds of CCI subs. Gunshop isn't interested in swapping them as they only sell CCI. Any suggestions for their safe disposal?


Thanks Andy

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You don't need to be a RFD to sell ammo.


Yes, I found some of the CCI VERY tight to chamber in my CZ, never tried them in the Magtech, but they shot well.


I'm easy, and if you want to move them on I'll happily take them off your hands!


PM me if you want a chat.



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If you have ammo you no longer want or need and are not bothered about getting your money back on them you can just hand them in to the police. Same with firearms.





Probably better to hand it in at his local RFD, its a good way to get on and build a relationship, they can always find a home for it! :yes::good:

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Probably better to hand it in at his local RFD, its a good way to get on and build a relationship, they can always find a home for it! :yes::good:


Oh yeah!


I'm actually surprised to hear that CCI is difficult to chamber. My club goes through huge quantities of CCI Blazer a year and we have never noticed a problem.



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Oh yeah!


I'm actually surprised to hear that CCI is difficult to chamber. My club goes through huge quantities of CCI Blazer a year and we have never noticed a problem.





Neither have I with Blazers...never used them....but their Velocitors and their 40g HP Subs are tight in mine and many others!

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