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cant decide which to go for both similar price,,any comments welcome



assuming its a vermin calibre i would say the cz 527 in varmint barrel spec, i recently went from a cz 527 .222 to a savage 12fv in 204 ruger and to be quite honest the triggers on all american built rifles are **** because they have to pass the drop test and are built to be heavy even the accutrigger on my new savage is **** compared to the cz.

i may still flog the savage and get a custom 204 built around a brno fox action and trigger, these had a superb set trigger, couple that with a good barrel and a tidy laminate thumbhole stock and you would have a very capable little rifle

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I looked at the Remmington VSSF when I was about to buy, nice rifle but 26" bareel I may asell of poked what I was shooting at. Decided on a lovely Tikka 595 in the end, very nice action, accurate with factory ammo (soon to be reloading). SO im going to be Biased and say Tikka. Why the varmint models? Last thing you want in my opinion is a big stock and heavy barrell to be ealking about with, unless you are shooting from a stationary position of course?

Jim :good:

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I had a 700VSSF in .22 250 great rifle and very accurate with home loads, changed it for a T3 Varmit s/s .243 with 20" barrel, accurate out of the box and about to load develop for it, if there was a .243 available in VSSF i would have went for that as said though they do have a long barrel.

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Hi the tikka and sako are fantastic rifles , the remy 700 needs some work to be as good to be honest , timney trigger or jewel and bedding , and then you have a fantastic tool , you do need a 26 inch barrel to get the most perfomance from a heavy barrel varminter , imo , I have remy 700s but I really like the sako gear , out of the box stick a good scope on and you are off , I had loads of work on my remys to see a sako in 308 with a z3 scope do just the same job aaah

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Hi the tikka and sako are fantastic rifles , the remy 700 needs some work to be as good to be honest , timney trigger or jewel and bedding , and then you have a fantastic tool , you do need a 26 inch barrel to get the most perfomance from a heavy barrel varminter , imo , I have remy 700s but I really like the sako gear , out of the box stick a good scope on and you are off , I had loads of work on my remys to see a sako in 308 with a z3 scope do just the same job aaah



Did I miss it somewhere, what calibre are we talking about and who the ***k wants a 26" HEAVY barrel, for field use?





Sorry, I was forgetting to 704 yard bunny! :good:

Edited by Dekers
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