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Not been before but as I have just returned to shooting after a 4/5 yr break intend going with both sons , 1 is mad keen , been to many CLA Game fairs , always remember my 1st at Chatsworth House in July 66 , day England won the cup if I remember rightly .

Would have though it will be a decent attended event .



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I've been for the last few years.

Its not massive, and doesn't need to be.

There are more than enough stalls and arena events to keep you entertained.

Take the gun if you wish, there is a shoot close to the car park.

I can recommend the catering inside the BASC pavillion.

Its a more relaxed atmosphere than many of the game fairs which suits me.

I'll probably only attend one such event this year, and this is the one.


How about a PW put a face to the name, meet and greet outside the membership recruitment area of the BASC pavilion at NOON each day?


No doubt David BASC will try to dig out some BASC goodies.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dont expect a gunmakers row like CLA, it is a great little show but nothing like CLA or Midland. It doesnt usually have a lot for the reloader. I usually go with the Deer fund as we fund raise with our raffles and book selling, this year we have decided not to attend as we don't raise enough to pay for the expenses. In these recessive times all the shows have been hit attendance wise, the Gamekeepers is a great show with lots going on but just don't expect the same amount of exibitors as the bigger shows.

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Looking to buy a Jack Pyke or Deerhunter Jacket for shooting/walking etc , are there genuine bargains at these fairs or is ebay the cheapest route ?




I see All Weather clothing are listed as attending. They often have reasonable offers on Deerhunter.


Is it me, but the Gamefair website countdown is currently at 2 days and 10 hours. Can't be right can it???

Edited by HW682
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Any reports on how the fair was? Wellys or shoes...? :rolleyes:


Def not wellie weather ( athough son wore his hunter ones :rolleyes: ) but I wore boots , bright sunny conditions while we were there , stopped 4 hrs 0930 onwards , plenty to see and a fair few stalls although many were very similar product wise .

Son bought a walking stick/knife and I just got some .410 carts.



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An interesting and embarassing day.


I've always said that I would never take a dog around a game fair, but today had to be the exception to my rule. My son got married last week, and Gunner Gordon kindly offered to dog sit. We were therefore faced with the option of staying at home and looking after Sampson, the 10 month old chocolate labrador, or take him to the game fair and face the consiquences.


I don't really do game fairs with relish anymore, I can't walk too far too quickly, so Catton Park is ideal for me, and I do look forward to it. So that was it, Sampson was going to his first and given his performance today probably his last game fair. It was also Gunner Gordons first game fair, but he was a good boy, gets a lollypop and can go next year.


During the journey Sampson hardly settled; when we were a few miles away from the venue we stopped in a layby to allow Sampson the chance to sort himself out and have a drink of water; he managed the water. We soon arrived at Catton and were quickly parked up, Gunner Gordons disabled badge came in handy. We parked the car and whilst we donned our jackets we watered the dog again, and then set off for the entrance. £10 each later we entered the ground, took no more than 5 steps only to have Sampson do the dump of a lifetime right where every man and his dog wanted to walk. As I expected, Gunner Gordon was well equiped, and dealt with the matter in hand. I soon spotted the bacon butty and brew stand, so whilst Gunner Gordon obtained a table and settled the dog, I qued for the grub and brews. When I was about half way through a most excellent bacon and egg bap, Gunner Gordon suddenly lurched into my lap. Now we've been mates for about 35 years, never did I expect that he would have any desire to make love to me, not in public at any rate. I soon had a full grasp of the situation; Sampson who had been sat just like a good dog should had eyeballed something of interest, and set off after it; dragging Gunner Gordon in his wake. Although this dog is only 10 months old, he is currently around twice the size of many mature labradors. Gunner Gordon eventually managed to get himself back into a vertical position, whilst I recovered a randy dog, and salvaged the remnants of my bacon butty and brew.


We made our way towards a falconry display and intoduces Sampson to the various birds without a problem, we sauntered along a number of trade stands. I've just remembered that I for got to return to AA decoys to buy a pecker that I fancied, that can wait, and go onto next years shopping wish list. We next introduced Sampson to the horses, again without any issues. We made our way towards the main arena where Chris Green was starting his pigeon shooting demonstration. Sampson was undaunted by the gunfire, but he's been to Kelbrook a few times and has no issues with noise from guns. We were ideally located for for a short stroll to the BASC membership stand in time for the NOON meet up. Noon soon passed and the only PW members present were Gunner Gordon, David BASC and me. A few minutes later I noticed the unmistakable figure of YellowBear approaching at his best speed. We hadn't met for a few years, as we commenced catching up, from another direction I noticed a very dapper Mr Right - Watt, accompanied by his better half. We all had a natter for around 20 minutes after which I declared the 2012 meetup closed. It was rumored that Mr. Potter was considering attending, and sure enough half an hour later, as we sat down to a most excellent steak burger and brew, Mr. Potter acompanied by his better half also had a desire to sample the delights and say hello to Sampson, who was by now sat being well behaved.


A further short stroll found us on the Pigeon Shooter stand the proprietor of which is fellow PW member Paul Hart. We had a chat, and I eyeballed some handy floaters for dead birds, but had no desire to carrry them around the ground, and so decided to call back later. Top of Gunner Gordons shopping list was a pair of Aigle wellies. He had bought a pair of wellies in September when we visited Ballater. Impulse purchases are seldom wise and this proved to be the case with the Sealand wellies. I was tempted by a new pair of shoes with commando soles, I can no longer wear boots, but £245 was too rich for me. We met a couple of shoot members, and discussed spring feeder quality and prices with the shoot captain. I spent the remnants of my Christmas money on a new shooting jumper, but failed to locate any Pinewood springsticks.


I checked the time, it was 4:45, the show closes at 5pm. GG and I both hobbled our way as fast as possible towards Paul Harts stand to buy the floaters, they really are not worth the effort of making yourself. Paul and I had a chat for a while, GG returned to the car with Sampson. As I followed on carrying the bouncers I realised that the pain killers had worn off, I struggled to walk off the show ground but made it, and was really thankfull that the car was on the disabled car park. I gingerly lowered myself into the car seat and took a couple of pain killers. During the journey home there was not a peep out of Sampson, but I really was in pain, I felt every application of the brakes and change of gear. Its off to the docs for me on Monday.


All in all, one tired Sampson, and one very knackered webber.



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