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Garden Pond


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Hi All


Due to various circumstances (one of them being "grandchildren") we have decided to decommission and fill in our well established garden pond.


We would like to sell the lot as a whole but would be acceptable to offers for individual items. Attached are some photo's. The inventory is as follows:


Fish - just ordinary goldfish for the most part, at least 25-30 of them, ranging in size from a couple of inches to big old 'Moby' who is at least a foot long. There are also a couple of Ghost Koi lurking in the depths somewhere approx 4-5 inches long.


Shed loads of oxygenating weed plants.


Established lily plants (x2)


Some established Iris type plants.


If you are quick there is also bucket loads of frog spawn & tadpoles.


If anyone makes a decent offer for the lot I will throw in the water for free!





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Don't assume because a fish is big that it's worth a lot. Unless you paid a lot for it as a small fish the odds are it won't be worth much. Quality not quantity.




Moby is quality, even the cat runs away when he surfaces with all the grace of a Typhoon sub. Legend also has it that he once told a heron to **** off, and was once chairman of Portsmouth Football Club.



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Just a thought...is there a Senior Citizen Center, an old age home, or a school nearby that might have a pond in need of sprucing up? Maybe you could donate the stuff to them? I know over here we can write that stuff off our taxes as charitable contributions.

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I had to get rid of mine when sold last house - gave fish away then spent a week getting all the mud and lilies out - couldn't lift root ball - had to use bread knife to cut it into bits - I drained pond slowly and caught fish as and when I could - found a huge fish in mud - mate gave it me years ago and never saw it since - was a bottom feeder but also came straight up for food and all you saw was it's mouth. Can't for life of me remember what it was. - Then spent another week knocking sides in to hole and filling it with soil - Orrible job.


They were same - got grandkids.



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