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I want to put some signs up on the public footpaths on the shoot to ask dog walkers nicely to control there dogs and keep on a lead as we are a wild bird shoot but not sure what to put.. So any help would be greatly appreciated


Any dog not on a lead will be shot should have the desired effect :lol:

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PRIVATE LAND - dogs not on a lead may be shot.


Points out that it's private land, not a public park, and it gives them a good reason to keep them on the lead by saying they may be shot - not saying that they WILL be shot, that's a bit threatening.

You could add something saying it's because of the birds, but if it's private land I wouldn't bother.

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There is already a sign up on my permission saying private land - dogs must be kept on a lead. No-body seems to think this applies to thier precious pooch though. Afterall, what harm is thier dog doing running in front of me when I've got a loaded rifle shooting rabbits nowhere near a footpath or flushing birds out of the hedges??

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I put up a sign requesting that people put their dogs on leads when crossing a field on a public footpath (nesting grey partridges on the field margins). The county council rights of way officer called me the next day to say it wasn't legal to put signs up asking people to put dogs on leads on a public right of way. Apparently they just have to be 'under control'.




Natural England publish this sign for access land...



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