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I was up early on Saturday to go skeet shooting but due to the weather I didn't go until the afternoon so I spent the morning in the workshop making this.


As some might know my Saturday gun is a little .410 over and under I have been reloading for years ,I am struggling to find crimp closure cases either 2.5 or 3 inch. The Eley .410 Trap cartridges all damage the end due to not having a full length wad this requires that you cut off the damaged part before you reload with a roll turnover this tool is adjustable to what length I like



Deershooter :good: :good: :good:





Edited by deershooter
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look at photo 2 (the small blue cutter )you will see a cutter blade held in by the nut on the rotating handle ,yes this is replaceable the cutter is adjustable by setting the stop collar (the one with the screw in the top ). Cases can be trimmed down from .5mm to 12.5 mm this one is for trimming 3 inch cases, it could be made smaller to trim 2.5 inch cases down to 2 inch if required

the blade is held in a machined channel which stops it moving about


You can reload with h40 wad then trim and use a H33 then trim and use 27 then trim and use 23 then trim and use,21 then trim and use,17 then use a felt wad in a .2.5 case 7 reloads all with new roll turn over


The roll turn over tools will be the next rainy weekend job dont like using the mill and lathe at night, as it in the workshop (spare bedroom )

which is connected to the semi detached bungalow next door



Edited by deershooter
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ANNOUNCEMENT: My dear friend and PW Member, POWDERHORN has sent me written permission to show his lovely case-trimmers and invites you to make your own. In his letter he states he has no objection to the manufacture of these trimmers. Actually, they're my case-trimmers; he kindly made them for me.



These pics shows the three trimmers in .410bore, 12 and 16 gauge. They are excellent to use and made from basic everyday bits and pieces and require no machining.







The length of the case is regulated simply by screwing in the adjusting screw on the nose of the dowel; the case or handle is turned and the blade cuts and draws the case into it until the required length is attained. The blade then 'bottoms out'.








Mrs FC trimming some of my precious 'new' (50 years old!) 16 gauge Eley-Kynoch paper cases.





NOTE: The off-set blade holder has an angled saw-cut to accommodate the blade. The 'cutting angles' are 60 and 30 degrees.

Edited by Floating Chamber
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