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how do i stand with this gun shop


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ok so i bought a ruger 1022 brand new with 3 mags from a gun shop not far from me at the end of october. i took it home to zero in and the magazine started ejecting itself when i pulled the trigger. so i took it bak to the shop a few weeks later when i got chance. and they said i wasnt pushinging it in hard enough. he took it out bak and let a few shots off, bought it bak in the shop i took hold of the gun and found a live round in it!!!! (idiot springs to mind). any way i took it home and have had nothing but problems with mags either ejecting or if i push them in hard they get stuck in.



i didnt have time to take it bak before i went to australia for 2 months. since ive been home ive taken it bak. they said they would send it bak to the manufacturers. i didnt hear from them for nearly 3 weeks so i rang them. they said they lost my number. and hadnt sent it off because there gun smith looked at it and said the mag was bent. i said ive got 3 new mags for it they cant all be bent. the bloke didnt kno what to say. so ive asked for a refound now and he said i will have to get my boss to ring u bak. its been a week now ive rang 3 times and still the boss is never there aparently. so here iam over 3 weeks down the line with rabbits causing major damage and no gun.


not to mention ive said if they give me the money bak i will buy a more expensive gun i like off them.


sorry to rant but im getting fed up now.


how do u think i stand with it all

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Keep pushing them, it's clearly not fit for purpose as it obviously has a fault, and it's up to them to sort it out. They might keep trying to fob you off with various excuses, keep pestering them and mention that you'll have to involve trading standards if they don't either get it repaired or replaced.


As to handing you a loaded gun, you should not take a gun without first checking it's safe, but leaving a round in when passing it to someone in a shop defies belief!

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i wont name and shame them at this point because if i can resolve it with out damaging anyones bussiness i will. im gonna go there tomorrow and try and sort it. as for not checking the gun was safe i didnt even kno he went out the bak to fire it. i thought he was going to look at it. wasnt untill i found a bullet in it when i pulled the bolt bak he said

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Not fit for purpose, demand a re fund or direct replacement. Under the Consumer Goods Act a product has to be fit for its intended purpose. Your 10/22 does not meet this requirement.


Get back to the shop in person and do not leave until you are satisfied with the outcome. As for leaving a round in the chamber, that is totally inexcusable.

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Write them a letter stating the issues you have experienced, mentioning the fact you have allowed them the opportunity on several occasions to rectify the problem, and say you expect the boss/owner to contact you immediately to arrange taking the gun back and giving a full refund. Inform them that as a minimum this must be done within 7 days or you will be forced to take further action, which may incur compensation and/or legal expenses to the gunshop.

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it's the sale and supply of goods act 1979, and a revision in 2000 sometime,simply not fit for purpose,write a letter,using correct spelling and send it recorded,explain faults and times you went in,you have already given them chance to repair ,which they have failed,so you are entilted to a replcement item or full refund,they would not win in a small claims court.

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I find Trading Standards offer the most accurate and, frankly, respected advice in these situations.


If you can't resolve the matter directly with the retailer, they won't want TS breathing down their necks and potentially backing you through the Small Claims Court if you need to take that route as a last resort.


There's a central number available through Google or similar and then you'll be directed through to a local representative.


Good luck and hope this helps.



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Before making waves - get the gun checked by an independent gunshop/rfd/gunsmith - it will add good weight and will also give you peace of mind.


New 10/22's can be very tight in the mags and take a firm push home sometimes until they become "used" and smoother.



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How did you pay? If you used a credit card, contact them and they will take up the case and get a refund. Good reason to always use one if the sale is over £100, you get lots of protection. If you paid cash or db card, then its down to your rights under Sale of Goods.

As it sounds as though the guns been faulty from the onset you are fully entitled to cancel the sale.

But, if its had some functionality and its more a case of its use-able with niggles, and you have used it, then their obligation is to achieve an effective warranty repair or replacement, in a timely manner.

Timely becomes the key word - if they can't get it sorted or replaced in a reasonable time ( a small claims court would probably think 4 weeks was reasonable, but three months not), then you would be entitled to cancel the sale on the basis that providing an effective warranty was part of the contract of sale, an an inability to repair or replace a warranty claim in a reasonable time would be a breach of contract.

Cancelling a sale and demanding a refund are slightly different things. If you ask for a refund its up to them to agree. If you Cancel the Sale ( under SoG Act etc), then its up to them to prove the gun was in saleable condition. As its clearly faulty they would have trouble defending that so the issue moves from the gun to "when is my money coming back out of your till! "

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I spoke to he owner of the shop yesterday. He said come to the shop and and we will take the gun dwn the range and try it with some new mags and my old mags. And if I'm still not happy then then he will replace it. Just wish I didn't take me having to ring all week to get hold of the owner

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