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dogs 30 odd years ago


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forgetting the date today , this is a sensible question to dog breeders/owners/vets ect .


following a light hearted debate on face book about growing up , white dog poo was mentioned several times . and as yet no one has has came up with the definitve answer of why there was loads about as a kid in the 70's and rarely seen today ??

as a kid i always remember a hard white torpedo you just kicked into the road , not the great ol things you you have to navigate round whilst walking to the shops .


so does any one know

a) why was it white

B) why dont we see it today ?


sorry to sound crude but this is a head scratcher down the pub at the mo



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Dogs years ago used to eat loads of bones from leftovers, nowadays pampered pooches get loads of tinned/bagged foods. There are natural enzymes in fresh food that turn it chalky, Modern '****' food, if you'll excuse the pun, doesn't.

Edited by JR1960
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yep bones, my dogs get butchers bones once a week and often end up with white **** for a few days.

i learnt the hard way if you feed bones , feed the dogs separatly.fighting over ownership is a common problem and my dogs get enough battling off there quary without fights at home

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