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Sunday Shooting Story


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Headed out to shoot over barley drillings on the same field as I shot on Friday evening.


Got to the field for 11:00, walked about 20 crows & a few pigeons, the plan was to set an owl decoy up and get some crows as the farmer seemed more interested in crows rather than woodies.


45 minutes passed with only one crow & no pigeons in the area, moved the hide further up the field and set up some pigeon decoys. Nothing !


I decided to walk to the other field to investigate, nothing either, however then I realized the farmer also had another two fields behind us, one he was rolling. Full of pigeons lol


We got lunch and headed over, we picked the field closer to the wood as it was closer to there flight line. Set - up with our backs to a hedgerow, however the pigeons were staying too high, I think they could see us!


Moved the hide yet again with our back to the wood with a tree over the top of us.


Happy days finally cracked it, they kept on coming, 30 odds, only collected 20


Why is crow shooting so hard?



Edited by robborobbo
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I have found Crow shooting to be one of the hardest forms to try out. Crows are very clever birds, and if something is'nt to their liking, they won't land, or even come close enough to get a shot off. Everything has to be right for them. If your decoys are facing the wrong way, or one is upside down, they won't land. Younger less experienced Crows are not so bad, as are Jackdaw's, who I find are very easy to decoy and shoot.

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