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how many rounds to bed a rifle in?


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hello, as above really, just wondering hows best to go about bedding a new firle in so to speak, i assume its a case of firing a few then cleaning it? what can happen if this is not done properly and is there anyone kind enough to let me know how they have gone about it in the past?


many thanks



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Just give it a clean with copper remover after each time you use it. Forrest Bore Foam is about the easiest, I would recommend it. All it means really is the new bore is a bit rough and picks up copper until it smooths out. There are some complex rituals used by target shooters.m

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It seems for some break-in is a mystical ritual and for others a lot of work off the barels life ... (try google)


You're probably close when you say "fire a few and clean it...". A good cleaning kit, a proper bore guide and 'sensible' use are possibly more important than the brand of apres chasse lotion.

But then I always clean from chamber to muzzle .... except on the 13th.

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