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Your thoughts on this???????

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Calm down, calm down, an example of bad practice in a country the other side of the world, probably not subjected to our FAC regulations, or codes of practice.

I didn't get the impression the shooter was being officially "Guided", it looked like a mates day out to me.

It didn't happen in the UK, so I doubt the UK "Antis" will be that bothered.


Whilst nobody would condone the behaviour in the video, YouTube is full of acts of stupidity from various parts of the world.

Please don't post them all on here just to raise everyone's blood pressure, they are hardly "Sporting Shooting Videos", which is what this section is for.



For once I agree with Cranfield….. :D




It is just how other people in other parts of the world do what they do.

You can’t police it and you can sit and type until the cows come home on how bad or unsafe you deem it to be….

There are far more injustices going on this planet and it would take you a lifetime to find them on YouTube…

I recon they would laugh and fall off their chair at some of the things which are posted on some UK forums….




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when i was in NZ i got the impression that there hunting ethics are a little more relaxed than here in britain and some of the gun safety was shocking. whilst in NZ i went stalking red deer with a guy that the tourist info put me in touch with, he gave me a sako .308 and we headed up in to the hills where he thought the deer would be and sure enough there were a few hinds right where he thought. after following this guy up the hill at a fair speed (he worked for the forestry and was as fit as a fiddle) i was puffing and panting and shaking like a ******** dog and couldnt hold the rifle steady to save myself so i declind the shot he wanted me to take at a hind about 150 yards away, by the time i had caught my breath and was happy enough to take the shot the deer winded us and took off. when asked why i didnt take the shot streight away, i explained that i wasnt happy with taking the shot and didnt want to risk a missing or wounding the animal he just laughed and said that it wouldnt have mattered it would have died sometime :o. the other shooting i did was an informal clay shoot on a friend of a friends farm. one of the guys we borrowed a trap from came for a crack too. he arrived with a side by side, an over and under and a semi, the first thing he did was load all the guns and lean them up against the fence behind us and each time he had his turn he reloaded and leaned them back on the fence, i was stunned.

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1.22 what sort of shot was that ? uphill into trees and beyond ??// ans as for the goats ???????????????

i'm a newbie to shooting in the great wild outdoors but bl**dy hell it was more like a war zone!! no consideration for saftey as you point out on the uphill ..what would have happened to anyone on the hill??? & as for the goats well words fail me :no: :no: :no:

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I watched the video without any sound because my onboard card is knackered, and can honestly say it was relitively reasobable from what i saw.

So, she missed a few shots, dont we all and shot at a beast at the top of a ridge, big deal!

NZ has vast open spaces, has a quarter more area then the UK but only half the population of our capitol city.

Like the open spaces in the USA there was probably miles and miles of unpopulated ground beyond the ridge

As for neck or head shots, its the best way of dropping the beast on the spot, i doubt they would want any runners in that terrain, knowing where they are and extracting them, would be hard enough without looking for a lost deer.

I dont stalk or shoot deer on a regular basis although i have shot a few Munties but i must admit that IMO all this best practice, guidance, respect, welfare etc....... is all WAY over the top in this country, you are out to kill an animal so as long as you do it safely, quickly and humanely thats all that counts.



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Just another thing ,why ,on the second deer was she just going for head shots? as i say i'm a novice in this but surely as it presented what i thought was a safe & clear heart/lung shot that would have been quicker,easier& safer??



Probably not. She was just a **** shot! :lol:

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