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Deal, or No Deal.


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Am I going to be the only person to miss this programme, now that the current season has ended ?


I am not a fan of "Game Shows" and similar programmes, but I really like the very different format of this show and I think Noel Edmonds does a really good job.


I wonder if anyone has ever calculated the odds on the Contestant getting the £250,000 in their box.

It must be very high.

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I got an email that there is a variant of the Deal or No Deal game on the online gambling sites.


I love it when people's greed takes over - everyone chases the 1/4 million whereas the sensible people bail out with a tax free sum of money they consider to be a lot to them - this normally ranges from £10,000 to £50,000. Anyone that shoots for more than £50,000 has always ended up looking like a **** who should have taken the £25,000 tax free that was on the table not 5 minutes beforehand.


Back to your questions (1) yes, I am a saddo (2) sort of, Noel's a bit of a **** with a nasty streak but he does his best filling time in a game that could really only take 5 minutes from start to finish (3) the odds are the total number of boxes to 1, so 22 boxes = 22 to 1.

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not wishing to sound a miserable ****, but i detest the show, i hate it with a passion so great i feel it may one day push me over the edge, resulting in the savage beating of noel edmunds :rolleyes: although i am still mighty impressed at how the producers mangage to span out what is essentially a guessing game for 40 minutes :sick: and still keep people watching. its far too scripted and rehearsed for a game show. i cringe in embarrassment for derren browns and uri gellars that go on the show professing to know exactly where the numbers are yet still go home potless. axe it! :rolleyes:


phew.. i feel better now :sick:



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I think its a total crock of **** to be honest. The game show is in the same bracket as "reality TV show" as far as I am concerned.


If you think about it, at 40 minutes a show each weekday you are wasting 200 minutes of your life each week on a TV show!


I am a self confessed geek so all I watch are programs about how stuff works, if I am not going to learn something off it goes and I do something else. The way I see it you get old and spend the last years of your life wishing you did this and that, how ****** off are you going to be if you wasted several weeks watching TV game shows :rolleyes:

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No they were maybe worried about keeping me in food and drink for 3 weeks or so, whilst filming! Boy can i scran and well i'm from north east, i can drink with the best of them!



Yep, being a big northern lad myself I agree with bertie :lol:

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I don't look for deep, educational, mind expanding, significance, when I watch TV. I tend to go with what I consider "entertaining".


Its probably the expressions of greed on their faces when they struggle with accepting the deal, or gambling they have more in the box, that I enjoy.

There have been a few that have turned down over £30,000 and left with .1p. :rolleyes:

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