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Your most memorable sporting moment.....

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most memorable sporting moment...


Nailing the best looking girl in the Lincolnshire Police, worked with her for 6 years, thought she was out of my league didn't see her for 6 years had a reunion and ended the night at it like like rabbits ,in the bar in the park and again 3 times at her house, :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:what a sporting experience


in the end cost me the furnishing of her new house (ouch ) :devil::huh:



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Wasn't going to bother with this as I've had some really good moments(and plenty of bad ones!)over the years,and couldn't really decide which was the most enjoyable,but the one which always stands out for me was one Sunday morning a few years ago, when a few mates and me tried to ambush some Greylags on stubbles.Mates surrounded the vast field at various points as we didn't know which way they would go once spooked,while the dog and me crept along the hedgerow in an attempt to get as close as possible before they rose.

We didn't get far before I could see a few heads straight up and I knew we'd been rumbled,but for whatever reason when they took off they headed straight for me.The noise was terrific,and I have no idea how many there were(must have been millions!)but I singled one out,swung through....and missed!Caught up with another,swung through...and down it came with a helluva thump,stone dead.

Nobody else got off a shot,but while I went to pick up the dead goose one of the lads phoned to say he'd just seen one of the geese fall into the river!Rushed over through the mud to find a dead goose floating down the middle of the river.

Nephew sent in his Springer,which swam round the goose and then back to shore!Sent in my dog which swam round it 'til she could get a good grip,then brought it back to shore.Nothing special perhaps,but she's a Border Terrier!

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