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a few dyas back i was talking to Lucky-Shot about decoying and he was saying his back problem plays up when he stands for to long so the internet searching began and the bucket type seats fits the bill perfectly some thing to sit on plus storage BUT NOT AT £30 . So a plan was hatched and all but 1 item was found around the house and shed....


you will need one 5 gallon brew bucket and lets face it a few people will have these up in the loft or you can buy one for less than £10...2" foam 12" x 12" cost me £4 on evilbay this was the only item i bought for this project and a piece of ply wood ..


bucket and ply




monster compass





double sided sticky tape



trim foam with hacksaw blade



selected covering water proof fabric i was going to use an old camo shirt stapled all round to form cushion



4 screws with washers and not to long that they come through the plywood




the down side is every time i look at it i get a real big thirst on


done with room enough for a light weight decoy set up


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I use a folding steel chair from Tesco, 4.95 in the sale, had it a few years now. Lightweight but needs a sack thrown on it in winter to stop yer bum freezing.


My mate paid about £60 for a nice looking Real Tree spongy cammo stool type chair, that no matter how you pick it up or move it, it folds in a totally unexpected way and nips your fingers.


It is very robust and has not broken after all the times he has thrown it on the ground or kicked it up the field for nipping him. The thing has a mind of its own and I'm sure is possessed by the Devil.


Yours looks cool and I will encourage him to read this thread and make one before he loses any fingers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Me and mate used plastic bucket same as brew bin, free from farmer on our permissions (ex hypochlorite).3" thick piece polystyrene cut to lid. Make sure angle between calf and thigh is greater than 90deg or else bum cheeks end up numb. :lol:

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I use one of the blue storage type buckets that you make pheasant feeders out of. On top of the lid I put one of the foam swivel seats that disabled people use for getting out of cars, you can get these off the bay for around £6. Works for me :good:

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  • 2 months later...

As a newbie to pigeon shooting I brought myself a fold up camo one with a swivel seal and a little bag on it. After perching on it for a number of hours on Saturday the tubler legs have bent (I'm only 13 1/2 stone). I could send it back but I think I'm going to use the bits to make a better one myself.

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As a newbie to pigeon shooting I brought myself a fold up camo one with a swivel seal and a little bag on it. After perching on it for a number of hours on Saturday the tubler legs have bent (I'm only 13 1/2 stone). I could send it back but I think I'm going to use the bits to make a better one myself.


Is this the one from a1 decoy buy any chance?


If so mine did exactly the same, only lasted two or three outing before its started to bend and I'm no fatty!


I tried getting my money back or a replacement but after a few pictures and emails they stopped responding and I never heard any more

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