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Dogs drinking


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Hi ,

Anybody have trouble getting there dog to drink ? , even when is was really hot she would come back panting but would not touch her water. I changed the bowl from plastic to metal but she still refuses.I know she needs it as her pee goes a real dark colour but she just looks at it a walks off.

Just wondering if anybody eles dog is as stubborn.



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Mine can drive me mad, he will drink out of any muddy puddle,but offer him clean water and he ignores it.


But he likes his water ice cold from the tap,and will drink loads, but later won't touch it.

Mine also likes a few ice cubes dropped into his water,and spends ages blowing bubbles forcing the ice cubes to the bottom of the bowl before crunching them up.

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There is an old saying “you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”

The same applies to dogs; as long as there is water always available I would not worry to much, they will drink when they need it. Just because a dog in panting does not mean it’s thirsty, as we all know this is how a dog cools down.

Edited by Actionpigeons
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My dog has gone through stages that I don't think he's drinking enough, but I have just left him to it, make sure there is fresh water available and he will suddenly switch... Stressing or trying new things only risks making him worse / fussy...

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My dog has gone through stages that I don't think he's drinking enough, but I have just left him to it, make sure there is fresh water available and he will suddenly switch... Stressing or trying new things only risks making him worse / fussy...


Yep, agree. Just make sure water is available and if they're thirsty, they'll drink. My retriver drinks bucket loads all the time, my spaniel hardly touches it.

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