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HELP! Advice needed!

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Hi guys and girls


I need some advice...... unfortunately I seemed to have lost my Shotgun Certificate! :blink: :angry::mad: Stupid as it sounds and i am normally very hot on keeping it safe! but I have a horrible feeling it has fallen out of my back pocket somewhere whilst out to the shops (was going to buy some cartridges at the time but got delayed and decided not to), tried retracing my steps, and turned the house and car upside down looking for it, ive even phoned up places shops ive been to see if they have had anything handed in......... and nothing!! Going mad trying to look for it!

It was a in light brown/tan leather document holder.


Now the problem is, how do i report it to the police and the firearms dept, and what is the process? (I live in east dorset)


Will it affect my Shotgun Certificate and my future application for a firearms certificate?


Any help and advice diven will be very much appreciated :)


All the best

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