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First time outwith my rimmy


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Got my FAC through last week, picked up an Anshutz .22 on Friday.

Had a coupe of hours out tonight, zeroed in at 35yds.

Then we went to find some bunnies, had 6 , a big carion having a bath in a puddle, the icing on the cake, a fox cub.

Two playing with a vixen on a new sown game crop, the vixen never took her eyes off us, but the cubs where just playing, "drove" up to 30yds ! , dropped one with a head shot :good:

I am one very happy shooter tonight :D


PS. Don't fear, I won't be trying foxes at distance, the keeper uses .222 on them.

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I see nothing wrong with dropping a fox with a .22 at 30yrds. Even better as that was your zero so no reason to mess up the shot! The .22lr is more than capable, and humane at that range. It's not the right tool for dedicated foxing but for occasional, opportunistic fox I think it's a great tool.

Well done,

Best regards, Phil

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I prefer my 1517 under the lamp, it's just point and shoot out to 100+ yards without worrying about estimating range and bullet drop. I do still enjoy the 1417 though, could have done with it last night, had a fox come charging in to my squeeking, had to stand up and shout to get him to stop at about 35yrds, the .223 made hell of a mess of him, but at least he didn't suffer!

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Good first time out. :good: what model anschutz is it? My 1417 thumbhole is my favourite rimfire. It just points, handles and shoots lovely. I'm sure you'll enjoy it :yes:


1415-16 , really pleased with it.


its fine but I would have shot the vixen first ;)


She was a little further off with no back drop. :good:

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