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Sako quad scope mounts


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Ive just sorted my first rifle and gone for the Sako Quad with the 22LR & 17HMR heavy barrels. Whilst Ive been waiting for my FAC to return with the moderators on it the dealer has mounted a Redfield 3-9x50 scope with optilocks mounts. In doing this he has noticed a problem in that the front lens catches and prevents the barrel being changed unless you slacken the mounts off.

The dealer is away until next week, but has left me a message to say that we need to look at the options fot the scope mounts.

My question is what is best. Fit quick release mounts or higher scope rings??

As im new to this im not sure of the pros and cons of either. Im sure the dealer with advise me but I'd like to get some other opinions from people who know more about this than me. :hmm:

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Stick with what you already have because you'll need to re-check your zero every barrel change - even if only to confirm your zero. If your scope has 1/4" clicks, the .22 will need about 32 clicks higher elevation than the HMR... assuming you zero the .22 to 50 yards and the HMR to 100 yards.


32 clicks is half a turn BTW as a starting point. Of course differing barrel lengths and scope heights will have slightly different variations to that.

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Burris used to do a specific scope for the quad, but it looks like it has stopped being produced. Checked around the different dealers and on the net but no one seems to stock it any more. Pretty sure it was a 3-9x40. It had the coloured rings on for the different barrels so you could set zero for each one.

Reading on the Sako web site you can you can get higher rings for the optilocks mounts which looks like the option, but as Dave-G says. Try what I have and then look if it needs to be altered.

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jesus dont get the burris!

its a shocker!


Ditch the optilocks and get some QR release mounts

there are aftermarket rails that will take the standard Weaver Leupold QRW rings


I had some made for mine.

no issue with zero, I swap barrels and scopes around all the time.

I rarely check zero



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jesus dont get the burris!

its a shocker!


Ditch the optilocks and get some QR release mounts

there are aftermarket rails that will take the standard Weaver Leupold QRW rings


I had some made for mine.

no issue with zero, I swap barrels and scopes around all the time.

I rarely check zero





I use leupold qr mounts with weaver rail adaptors. If you have tactical/target turrets you can just return to the setting for the barrel you're changing to. I have had no need to check zero when changing barrel.



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