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Pigeon carts


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Hello I am hoping to be joining a local club soon that shoots pigeons , I have never done it before and was wondering what cartridges I should be looking at buying ? I will bevshooting my betetta 686e. Any advice would be brilliant


Fibre wad would be better as plaswads can be messy you do not want to upset the farmer on your first go.

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32 gr 5s hit em hard and as you become more confident and proficient you will take pigeon at longer ranges... you can start with 7s and 6s but a good steady average load would be a 5, there isnt that many less lead pellets to make that much difference, but with 32gm a 5 shot you get in my opinion less pigeons clipped and more in the bag....


Clear pigeon 32gm 5s


The Colonel

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clear pigeon fiocchio pigeon eley pigeon hull specail pigeon all good and all 32g size 6 apart from the eley pigeon wich is 6.5 all good and all kill i even use gambore clay carts in 7.5 i pase out 22 to 25 yard roughly put out the decoys if a pigeon comes in that distance a clay cartridge will do the job

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clear pigeon fiocchio pigeon eley pigeon hull specail pigeon all good and all 32g size 6 apart from the eley pigeon wich is 6.5 all good and all kill i even use gambore clay carts in 7.5 i pase out 22 to 25 yard roughly put out the decoys if a pigeon comes in that distance a clay cartridge will do the job


I think the Fiocchi pigeons are an italian shot size which makes their #6 a UK #5 1/2. I have shot these in fibre wad and they do the business. Eley's worked pretty well too. Buy a few boxes of each and see which flavour you like.

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