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##############, Wigan

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As one of the many customers that received very poor mail order service and was blatantly lied to by them I am not surprised that things haven't gone too well for them. Hell will freeze over before I trust this company again enough to buy from them.

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It’s sad when any gun shop closes, even sadder when PW members cast aspersions on proprietors characters.

I have this evening spoken personally at length with one of the proprietors. The gun shop has closed; much of the stock has been sold to Cheshire Gun Rooms, but not at the figure quoted in a previous post. The men have made a sensible business move given developments that are on the horizon for the gun sales scene in the North West.

Due to the units proximity to Wigan centre, the business rates were high, as were premises overheads at around £40,000 per annum.

The units doors have closed, but the business certainly has not. The proprietors are consolidating, and going back to their roots; pigeon shooting equipment via mail order and game fairs, without the millstone of a large industrial unit and staff wages.

The proprietors intend to pass on savings made by offering more competitive prices than was previously possible. I for one wish the lads well; I’ve been a satisfied customer for many years. I saw the business grow, and now it’s consolidating its position. Those whom speculate to the contrary are misguided.




Webber, there's no aspersion on anybodys character in my comment. I dont wish them any harm but theres loads of people on here who appear to have been stung who have a different opinion.

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