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Help with whirly

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Ok cheers for that will try it next time o see him just wire it straight from the battery and then wire the dimmer switch to the motor Do you have a recommended target speed to try and get it down to

You should be looking for one complete revolution every 2 seconds obviously to achieve this, the speed of the motor will be different depending on length of arms.

thats the beauty of using a variable 12v resistor so you can alter the speed.

Edited by carpentermark
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Me and a mate are trying to make a whirly we are almost there just can't get the motor to slow down enough it is doing about 54 rpm any suggestions about how to slow it down much appreciated

Try one of these from the bay! Item number: 190706079902

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Me and a mate are trying to make a whirly we are almost there just can't get the motor to slow down enough it is doing about 54 rpm any suggestions about how to slow it down much appreciated


Most windscreen motors you can slow down with the second feed wire, so have a try with that, dont forget that when you load it with couple of dead birds then it will slow down a fair bit.



This will slow it down! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LED-Light-Dimmer-Adjustable-Bright-Controller-DC-12V-8A-/280737152463?pt=UK_DIY_Material_Electrical_Fittings_MJ&hash=item415d3cfdcf




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Hell's teeth! That's a cheep speed controller.


Watch out with using a resistor as you are wasting power and will shorten the battery life.


The little solid state timers and dimmers us a chip to achieve the same effect bu the power consumption is a lot less ( only 5-10%) wasted


They work ok....we use them on the lamps when there is a shy fox, also on the rotary for the crows!




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Are they tough? Some pop if connected wrongly so I stick a diode in just in case.


Used my one for 6 hrs on the crows with my windscreen motor driven rotary....just kept it dry in a plastic bag and coverd it over with a bit of barley...130 rooks/jackdoors and 5 pigeons :D

With the black stuff a slow speed is the key..




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