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skeet vest or hard gun case?


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Skeet vest, helps mounting no end and makes you look like you know what you are doing ;) Hard gun cases are pointless, should use a gun slipper safety instead and save you having to put your gun together every time.

Edited by OddJob
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Neither mate, you will need the mandatory clay shooting essentials, Snap caps and Barrel rest :yes::good:


After those, you will need the matching skeet vest, hat, glasses and gloves :yes:



Then you may want to consider a bum bag to keep your licence, choke gauge, choke tubes, wallet and phone in, and dont forget to hang a towel of the back of the belt ;)

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I wouldn't bother with a hard case myself BUT having bought a cheep gun slip that lasted all of two months before the stitching in the sharp-end started to open up, and I found out by a distinctive 'clink' noise as the edge of the barrel made contact with a stone path, I would (and have!) invest in a decent slip that has a reinforced barrel end.


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Skeet vest you need to to sew lots of badges on as they help you shoot better and a towel clipped on the back with a spare loop for your matching cap and a pocket to put your 29 spare lenses for your shooting glasses in

Not to mention the little leather tab thingy that you fasten to the top of one of your shoes (maker's logo MUST be the same as your gun). Also, make sure that there are four safety pins fixed to the back of your jacket.

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O dear why are some folk so sad if you are going to shoot clays then a skeet vest is a good investment dont listen to all the bs on here yes some do have pins cloths caps ect but its horses for courses. I never wear my skeet vest in the field by the same principle I dont shoot clays in camo. Believe it or not some top clay shooters have all the bits n bobs but shoot live as well and you dont hear them taking g the p

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Also, make sure that there are four safety pins fixed to the back of your jacket.

Sorry,but that caused a smile.I wear a shooting waistcoat,which is green,has big cartridge pockets and doesn't look out of place on the clay ground nor a formal shoot.However,my nephew,who is 17,has matching gun,vest,hat,glasses,gloves and slip...all with the Beretta logo on them.Hopefully he'll grow out of it.I think he gets a bit embarrassed when I turn up in a Browning t-shirt(a present)and shoot with a Winchester.

By all means get one,but personally I think they're greatly overpriced.

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