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First fox with the .223


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Since buying my .223 I've not really had chance to use it on any foxes due to the weather and a injury I've had, I've been out maybe 2 or 3 times in the last 3-4 weeks each time I've not seen anything, typical when you have a new rifle!!

I went to one of my permissions tonight at around 9 and had a walk about and then when it went dark had a drive around and had a look with the lamp, nothing about!

Got back home around 11:30 and thought I may aswell have a look at home before putting the gun away, I went to one field which has been bailed today and set the foxpro out in front of me about 20yds away, rested the gun on one of the bails and then flicked the caller on. Tried the first call for about 10 minutes and scanned with the lamp every now and then, nothing so changed the call, again had a scan about waited then same again, the next time I flicked the torch on a set of eyes sprinting towards the caller!!! The fox, a youngster then went to grab the caller and jumped about 2' in the air :lol: it then ran off, I shouted to try and get it to stop but it disappeared.

I then got the caller and went other side of the farm house, set the caller up, again got comfy with the rifle on a bail and pressed the button, after a short while when I was scanning I picked up some eyes moving between the sheep, a good 150-200 yds away I waited a bit then flicked the lamp on again nothing, must be behind the hedge I thought so lamp off, waited a bit and lamp back on, there it was in front of my just beyond the caller, I hit the mute button and got it in my sights, it sat down as I was looking through the scope to have a scratch and bang one very dead fox, it was only about 50 yards away so as you can imagine the 55gr b-tip did the business


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what torch is that and what sort of range does it have? thanks



Hi Tom

It's a Brinyte, it uses a green q4 emitter, has high/low modes. I would say about 150yds, eye shine to further, probably 250+

I had one the other night at about 200yds, could see its eyes easily but couldn't get a positive Id on it to shoot it (incase it was a sheep :lol:)

Also it depends on the quality of the scope, using the scope on my hmr I can see further than the one on my .223

For the mounts, torch etc it set me back about £35

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I put it 1" high at 100yrds which should be around the 175yd mark for the zero.

I do want to set at target at that range and zero properly I just havnt got round to measuring it out, I have the 100yd target set up already for the hmr so just did it at that

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