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Illegal shooting whilst fishing


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Hi fellas


Me and my mate were fishing on the river Chelmer Today when All of a sudden we heard a loud crack about 45 yards behind us in a little wood (which the river runs down one side,followed by another crack then another then another. This continued for about 45 mins and I could see a about 3 teenagers lurking in the woods. They were shooting straight up into the branches and at a can stuck in the tree. Me and my mate were down a verge literally as tall as a man so we were safe and the blokes new we was there and carried on regardless .anyway we let them get on with it and continued fishing. after a while I decided to go and and have a quite word,but when I got up to walk over they was walking off so I left it.


Whilst I was sitting there I was tempted to ring the old bill,but knowing they would send out a firearms unit etc.i thought it may be a police waste of time. And a bit to harsher lesson And theyhad gone anyway. I'm not a grass by all means II was a bit concerned for other peoples safety ( walkers mainly)as this was on public land and they obviously didn't have permission. But on the other hand I wish I had walked over and tried to explain to them about safety, Im hoping they didn't know they were doing wrong,which was another reason for me not ringing the police.


What would you chaps of done?

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Nothing if it was an air rifle, didn't you ever go out with an air gun as a youngster shooting cans and bottles with your mates on places you shouldn't be, what harm were they doing, if they were shooting near you then fair enough otherwise live and let live

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How do you know they didn't have permission?


I wouldn't be especially worried.


Because its a a public waterway in a wood owned by the environment agency! And Id be surprised if 3 teenagers had permission to shoot in a woodland with paths for the public in the middle of the day!

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The stupid (in retrospect) things we all do as young lads out shooting.

No harm, no foul.

At the end of the day they were shooting up in the air, sort of sensible from a naive point of view, as zero (naive) chance of doing harm to anyone.

Also, even if a pellet hit you, it would do little more than feel like a bird poo having lost all it's energy on the way up into the sky.

Guarantee their air rifle was a cheap Chinese underpowered piece of junk


Smile with nostalgia and move on (but if there was ANY real danger) then a quiet word would suffice

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The stupid (in retrospect) things we all do as young lads out shooting.

No harm, no foul.

At the end of the day they were shooting up in the air, sort of sensible from a naive point of view, as zero (naive) chance of doing harm to anyone.

Also, even if a pellet hit you, it would do little more than feel like a bird poo having lost all it's energy on the way up into the sky.

Guarantee their air rifle was a cheap Chinese underpowered piece of junk


Smile with nostalgia and move on (but if there was ANY real danger) then a quiet word would suffice


Yes that is what I have done I know no one was hurt thankfully!

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I'd of left it, think anyone who grew up with an airgun used to mess about shooting cans.


We used to camp out in the woods, tell our parents we were stopping at each others houses, and stop up all night lamping rabbits in a field in the middle of the wood, not once were we reported for "not having permission".


Different areas have different people tho, "townies" will be horrified by me saying the above, to us and everyone who saw us we were harmless, everyone did it as kids :-)

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Some of my best childhood memory's were walkin down the canal with air rifle pinking cans etc in the water with my dad, stopping to chat to the fishermen. How things have changed!! You would not make it out of the carpark these days with an uncovered gun before the heli an armed response are on you!!


Im supprised they got away with it, everyone has mobiles these days and readily call the police. Things were different when you had to walk to the closest public phone, people CBA!!!!!

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Hi fellas


Me and my mate were fishing on the river Chelmer Today when All of a sudden we heard a loud crack about 45 yards behind us in a little wood (which the river runs down one side,followed by another crack then another then another. This continued for about 45 mins and I could see a about 3 teenagers lurking in the woods. They were shooting straight up into the branches and at a can stuck in the tree. Me and my mate were down a verge literally as tall as a man so we were safe and the blokes new we was there and carried on regardless .anyway we let them get on with it and continued fishing. after a while I decided to go and and have a quite word,but when I got up to walk over they was walking off so I left it.


Whilst I was sitting there I was tempted to ring the old bill,but knowing they would send out a firearms unit etc.i thought it may be a police waste of time. And a bit to harsher lesson And theyhad gone anyway. I'm not a grass by all means II was a bit concerned for other peoples safety ( walkers mainly)as this was on public land and they obviously didn't have permission. But on the other hand I wish I had walked over and tried to explain to them about safety, Im hoping they didn't know they were doing wrong,which was another reason for me not ringing the police.


What would you chaps of done?


nothing, i doubt you will find a shooter over 40 who didn't do this and worse at that age. if only more kids spent more time doing this and everyone turned a bit of a blind eye our youth would be in better shape

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i would have had a word with them, because most of the public today will just call the police. if young lads are interested in shooting, its better for all if they get into it in lawful manner


i remember starting my shooting career under a very large motorway interchange shooting ferals from the girders underneath it and rats on the canal, i know this would not even get started today :good:

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