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on the flightline


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as title it was very hard work today first of all we had a 500 yard trudge with the gear to where we needed to set up :oops: secondly surrounded by standing wheat and barley but the flightline was right over 2 pit holes with tall beech trees in them so thats were we had to go to get under them.

started trying to decoy them but they wasn,t having much of it :/ the wind was very strong and blowing the birds all over the place, ended up just flighting them at one of the pit holes it was great sport and if they would of responded to decoys the bag would of been in 3 figures without a doubt :good: shot 45 picked 38



Edited by yickdaz
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well done daz as before shooting pigeons is not all about getting them into decoys some times flighting can offer better shooting than decoying :good::good:

agree you will more often than not make better bags decoying and its easier but you don,t get the same quality of shooting as you will on a flightline :good:

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