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FAC and SGC appliactions.... un happy :(


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my referee was my local vet, can you get the form off the internet? or do they get sent to me? im am sure they said on the phone that they were sending one out


What this form? http://www.nottinghamshire.police.uk/uploads/library/24/reference.pdf


The VET sound slike a perfect ref was that the original one? Only reason for them to reject it is either the original ref didn't know you for the required time or had a record....

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The VET sound slike a perfect ref was that the original one? Only reason for them to reject it is either the original ref didn't know you for the required time or had a record....


no the one hey rejected was a RFD, which i do not no could not be a referee ( so my fault really, but i would of thought they would of tole me that before i had the interview and not after)


the Vet was the replacement referee whos reference has "got lost somewhere"

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i applied for my FAC and SGC last October along with my father who applied for his FAC.


towards the end of may they finally come out for interviews which all went well.


about 1 month after the interviews with me and my father they rang u saying that my father had has his accept and that one of my referees was incorrect, so i had to send off a new one which i did, now i have been in touch with my local FEO and they have said that they have not yet recieved my last referee and that i should contact my referee making sure they sent the forms off.


i have been in contact with them and they assure me they sent the reference off about 3 weeks ago


Just been on the phone to them now and they still say that have not recived it.


tbh i getting quite annoyed at waiting and the fact they dont inform me if theres a problem, is there anything else i can do? besides keep contacting them? i dont realy want to send off another referees but i can see that being possible.


this is part a rant so sorry for that, but just wondering if anyone else has had problems like this?


thx solz



Get the referee letter in a sealed envelope and drop it down your local police station.

They have an internal post system and it will go direct to the FAD that day!

I do this for the referee forms I fill in.





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Gloucester - sad to see they are keeping down to their usual low standards


This is not the worst effort I have heard of from them but it ranks in the top 20. The impression is of a section that is largely overwhelmed much of the time and when I'm not one of the folk waiting for months I do in fact feel sorry for them as they all seem very pleasant just too much to do by too few people.


Have the form sent recorded delivery or delivered by hand, email or ring a week later to confirm receipt then every couple of weeks to check progress. Problem here is that every time they have to respond to you is time not doing the necessary!

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Mine took months and months. I first put it down to the fact that I regularly worked in some very sensitive places, the House of Commons for example, but when I lost patience and phoned up they said that one of my referees hadn't put enough detail on his reply. I spoke to him ( my accountant ) and he said that it was force of habit - never give out more than the absolute minimum information to any government authority. Once he'd filled the form in properly it took another 2 months. In total I think it was over 8 months.

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i applied for my FAC and SGC last October along with my father who applied for his FAC.


towards the end of may they finally come out for interviews which all went well.


about 1 month after the interviews with me and my father they rang u saying that my father had has his accept and that one of my referees was incorrect, so i had to send off a new one which i did, now i have been in touch with my local FEO and they have said that they have not yet recieved my last referee and that i should contact my referee making sure they sent the forms off.


i have been in contact with them and they assure me they sent the reference off about 3 weeks ago


Just been on the phone to them now and they still say that have not recived it.


tbh i getting quite annoyed at waiting and the fact they dont inform me if theres a problem, is there anything else i can do? besides keep contacting them? i dont realy want to send off another referees but i can see that being possible.


this is part a rant so sorry for that, but just wondering if anyone else has had problems like this?


thx solz

hi ya , my local police force is merseyside police I applied for my sgc back in April, they were pretty quick to come and see me for the interview about 3 weeks in , all went well the feo sent his reports back so all I had to do was wait and wait and wait, 2 months later after many calls to them they finally admitted they LOST all of my paperwork , what the hell !! Re applied again they sped the process up (less than 1 day to be exact) and I picked up my certificate,

So my point is always chase them up about the application otherwise you'll be the bottom of the pile somewhere ;)

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I thought we were talking about the OP not you.

i was speaking to a postman, and he said about 75,000 letters a day get lost.

Get the referee letter in a sealed envelope and drop it down your local police station.

They have an internal post system and it will go direct to the FAD that day!

I do this for the referee forms I fill in.





I hand delivered both my refrences in the same envelope just handed it in at the counter and asked them to give it to fad


As I said, anyone could get a positive reference by choosing who they asked and pre -briefing them, not just me, or the OP, anyone.


It appears I'm not alone in taking a sealed envelope to be delivered by hand.

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yep there fast enough to bank your cash but when they take 18 weeks to do a one off and one on it do get up your back ,and the say ho yes we have it on are desk as we speak and you still dont get it for weeks ,no probs they say just keep your gun in the cabinet ,yeh right i own firearms because i use them not just to collect dust

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  • 3 weeks later...

well its been a week since my last reference was posted using recorded delivery and have emailed my FEO, she says that she has spoke to someone in the Firearms Licensing in gloucester and she said it should be done this week :)



so hopefully we have it soon :)


thx solz

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