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Do I need a new gun cabinet??

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Right, I have one of those cabinets were you have to break the gun down to fit it in. My O/U fits in perfectly however, neither the receiver or barrel of my sx3 will fit in. So for the past few days I've been taking the working parts out and storing them in the cabinet, and hiding the barrel and receiver at different parts of the house.. Now the question is as the title says do I need a new cabinet or is storing the working parts away sufficient?

Hope this doesn't seem like a stupid question but would like to know the answer asap for obvious reasons.

Thanks Dave.

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just buy a bigger cabinet and save your self the hassle its your responsibility to keep the guns safe at all times if cops turn up for spot check and you have bits hid all over place its a good bet its bye bye sgc you don't need a cabinet some of the millionaires have gone to court when cops have knocked them back as you don't need to keep them in a steel box to keep them safe but its one of the best ways for normal Joe blogs ..


Gun shops don't keep them in metal boxes but there security is much higher than normal house

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I would imagine that there would be some very uncomfortable questions to answer if your gun, albeit minus a few components was half-inched whilst hidden in that manner. Yes, you can show that the gun wasn't usable at the time but, a few spare/un-numbered parts would soon get it firing again.


Sounds like it's time for you to get a full length cabinet sooner rather than later as your current measures sound more like a stop-gap as opposed to a long term storage solution.

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New cabinet time.

You might also find yourself breaking the laws about giving access to firearms to other people if anyone else in the house found the gun parts (assuming there are others in the house.)


Get on ebay, you’ll find one for under £80.

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Or a trigger lock for that particular gun and leave the others in the cabinet


Nope won't cut it a gun clamp (much more secure than a trigger lock) may be allowed for a single gun by FEO, but not for one of multiples held.it needs to go in the cabinet, nothing wrong with having 2 cabinets I would suggest if buying one get a good size one 5+ and make sure it's tall enough to get them in and out easily I have a 5 gun bratton sound and with an air rifle, a SxS and OU it's reasonably full you could get 5 in but it would be a struggle not to knock them

Edited by HDAV
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