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average cost of 40 bird sporting


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many thanks to anyone that came to the hoxne 40 bird sporting last sunday was such hard work !!! and it rained hard at 2pm but all in all we were only 7 cards down on last year, in a difficult side wind the winner still shot a fabulous 39 out of 40 !!! question i would like to ask you all is what is the average cost of a 40 bird sporting card at the moment?? we were charging £13 for the first round and £11 for the second but to be honest it isnt enough without making money on hot dog sales etc that is break even level but one can only charge what is the average so what is the average????


once again many thanks



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To be honest I dont think you are far away with your prices,


local *trade* grounds to me charge £6 per round of 25, be it skeet/compact/DTL/ABT


We are a small local club and charge members £6 for 50. non members £9 for 50


All depends what your overheads are, we dont have markers, we do it ourselves, but we also dont do money competitions.


We aim to make enough money over the year to pay rent/insurance/trap maintenance/buy clays/diesel and have a small amount of savings



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