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Sabel ejector


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Hi all, I'm new to shotguns and have just picked up a nice cheap Sabel ejector 12 bore side by side, its in nice condition every thing is nice and tight with spotless bores but before I take it out I was wondering about what cartridges I can use safely, the barrels are marked with 900kg and I have no idea what this means? is there a limit to what you can use with it as I have about 500 cartridges 28g 70mm and a few boxes of 32g 70mm, would these be ok use and if so what would be the maximum I could use, :hmm: thanks.


Edited by blitzdog68
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Thank you all very much for you help, yes it is 2 3/4 and next sunday will be the first time i'll be shooting it at the local clay club and hope to shoot 80 clays if my back holds out lol, but I will take my beretta teknys as well just in case its a bit more than I can handle as I have a fused spine, I like my semi auto even though I was pushed slightly in getting one instead a s/s by the club and by the firearms officer who said they have less recoil than a s/s that I originally wanted first, so I'm really looking forward to trying it out so I wanted to make sure it would be safe to shoot 28g 7 1/2 shot as I still have half of the 1000 I got, so now I know its safe up to 36g. hopefully if all go's well I'll save up for a nice English side by side as s/s are my favourite looking guns.

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