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my first grey and moles


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got a bit land to shoot over so went for walk about to suss out the place got to small little wood and tried the fox call see if anything was mooching around for food with the frost.. after couple minutes spotted a tail flicking around in a nearby tree ,gave small squeek and he showed himself my first grey dropped to the shot.then as i walked on noticed a very fresh mole hill so stood and waited within 5 mins saw the soil moving and fired dug down to retreive my first mole walked on to a bad patch of mole hills as i arrived saw a hill move fired and retreived my second mole .plenty signs of rabbit damage and diggings around farm and saw a few roe aswell ..off up there tonight with nv to start on rabbits and hopefully foxes.bumped into farmer on sprayer and he was well chuffed id bagged the moles and grey so off to a good start ..



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I've never talked to any farmer who would like to totally eradicate rabbits or foxes or squirrels, or even pigeons, as the're part of the countryside. But moles and rats they detest, always good PR to tell them a mole or rat has met its demise. :good: . When my boys were younger (before they discovered the opposite sex), we used to spend hours standing over mole hills, with special signals when the hills moved, so the one with the gun could take position.

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I've never talked to any farmer who would like to totally eradicate rabbits or foxes or squirrels, or even pigeons, as the're part of the countryside. But moles and rats they detest, always good PR to tell them a mole or rat has met its demise. :good: . When my boys were younger (before they discovered the opposite sex), we used to spend hours standing over mole hills, with special signals when the hills moved, so the one with the gun could take position.


So farmers want to keep grey squirrels do they?


Of course they don't want to wipe out animals such as rabbits, foxes, etc. But grey squirrels are a non native invasive species and they do immense damage to our wildlife, and I have never met any farmer who doesn't want them totally eradicated.

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