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Number 50 falls to the 700…..

The Essex Hunter

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I had a text from the Sheppard this morning “there is some spilt barley if you want some”

So I took a couple of bags and made my way over to the farm, I spotted him in the field and had the usual chat about the foxes then filled my bags to the brim and made my way up the track.

I then spotted a big buck Muntjac moving along a hedge line!! Nuts no gun!!

I was back with in 15 mins however a long wait to see if he showed…nothing.

So I decided to walk the rest of the farm while I was there, 3 fields later and I made my way across the largest field on the farm….And there is a fox up wind of me nose down out around 150 yds.

So I put a 75gn round in and gun on the sticks, the fox was only showing a ¼ shot so I tried calling but with the strong wind he never heard me.

As by luck a magpie dived over him and he turned broadside to have a look…

Off went the round and the 50th fox since January off this farm was stone dead 180 paces from me.

It would have been nice to get the buck but there is all ways another day….








Edited by The Essex Hunter
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