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Foxing gun


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Evening all. Hope you're enjoying the warm weather?! Just a bit of advice wanted on foxing calibres. I'm not planning on applying for one just yet but just wandering what the best foxing Calibre is? Would a 243 be a good option so I would be able to take deer aswel as fox? What is the difference between say 22-250 and 223, with performance, cost etc?? Just curious. Thanks alot in advance.

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Evening all. Hope you're enjoying the warm weather?! Just a bit of advice wanted on foxing calibres. I'm not planning on applying for one just yet but just wandering what the best foxing Calibre is? Would a 243 be a good option so I would be able to take deer aswel as fox? What is the difference between say 22-250 and 223, with performance, cost etc?? Just curious. Thanks alot in advance.


any .22cf is good for fox munty and cwd if you any other deer you will need min .243



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The .243 win is pretty much the daddy of foxing guns can do pretty much anything a 22-250 or .22 swift can with 55 grn bullets yet is also very at home with 70-80 grn varmint bullets, giving way smaller wind deflections and even larger including some fine 100grn deer bullets. it is all deer legal through the UK so one gun that can be used on Red deer to fox and vermin. Heres the bugs 1. hard to get granted with the conditions mentioned 2. it wont kill foxes any deader than the .22 hornet can at the more usual ranges 3. short barrel life and far harder to moderate than the smaller options.4. needs a bigger action and heavier gun than say .223 etc.


The foxing cals sart with the .22 hornet and .17 Remington in the home office guidence notes and to be fair up to 200yds there aint a fox alive today that can take a well placed boiler room shot from them. Pressed i would say for a new centre fire shooter you cannot do much better than a .223 rem in PRACTICAL terms its very vesitile, easy to feed and enough gun for 95% of foxers and vermin shooters in "competant" hands 300yds is more a formality than a real challenge. Outside of the "competant" boundry a bigger gun wont generally help much .


I currently own a .243 win and .22 Hornet as my dedicated Fox rifles as i feel they give me the best of both the larger and smaller arguments. Obviously it depends on your personal needs the way you sway

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Gunitis lol I've never met a shooter who hasn't had it at sometime of other. My old mate who is known locally as yoda due to the depth of his knowlage bought himself a 25:06 custom built rifle and successfully shot the barrel out trying to knock up the perfect load.

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Personally I think the .22-250 is a superior round to a .243. One of the sweetest shooting rounds there is, inherently accurate, flat as a witch's, easy shooting and, in my opinion, it should be legal for roe in England and Wales. But it isn't so as Kent says, the only do-everything round is the .243. I have read of keepers using the .243 in open (and gusty) hill country to shoot foxes at huge ranges. If its good enough for professionals its more than good enough for the rest of us.


I don't shoot on the hills and I have a .308 for deer so a .222 is a fine fox round for me to 300 yds and its not over the top for long range rabbits.

Edited by Gimlet
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Personally I think the .22-250 is a superior round to a .243. One of the sweetest shooting rounds there is, inherently accurate, flat as a witch's, easy shooting and, in my opinion, it should be legal for roe in England and Wales. But it isn't so as Kent says, the only do-everything round is the .243. I have read of keepers using the .243 in open (and gusty) hill country to shoot foxes at huge ranges. If its good enough for professionals its more than good enough for the rest of us.


I don't shoot on the hills and I have a .308 for deer so a .222 is a fine fox round for me to 300 yds and its not over the top for long range rabbits.


be interesting to hear the logic behind your thoughts of the 22-250 v .243 win remark. The .243 can top the 22-250 on speed and has very marginal advantage in BC using like 55 grn bullets. It don't make no matter in the field in either case just wondered if there was any more to the statement than unquantifyable "sweetness"?

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be interesting to hear the logic behind your thoughts of the 22-250 v .243 win remark. The .243 can top the 22-250 on speed and has very marginal advantage in BC using like 55 grn bullets. It don't make no matter in the field in either case just wondered if there was any more to the statement than unquantifyable "sweetness"?


There is no logic. I think its more accurate than a .243 and nicer to shoot. That's just my opinion. Each to their own but I just prefer it and thats all the quantifying there is. Thank you and good night.

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in most cases thoughts of "accuracy" are put entirely at the hands of the shooter

one .243 off the shelf is no more or less accurate than another 22-250, 220 swift etc etc


I personally doubt that most people with a 22-250 will ever shoot at the range or frequently enough to distinguish the "flatness" differential between the two.

we are talking negligible figures inside 300yds, 1/2-3/4" at 300 yds and out to 600yds a 115gr 243 (1:*8twist) starting at 3200fps will drop less than a 55gr 22-250 starting at 3800fps


now if any of you are consistently shooting 1/2-3/4" groups at 300yds I am sure that makes a difference.

for me the fleshy bit behind the trigger is of more influence than calibre choice!


OP if you happen to be in Scotland you can use .22 CF on Roe


I have a .222 for fox and roe

a .243 for fox and roe and hinds

and a .270 for hoodie crows, magpies, fox, roe, hinds and stags


if you have to choose one rifle for fox and deer then .243 is the one to go for IMO. its the easy choice when it comes to the FEO

Edited by Bewsher500
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