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BING toolbar


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The BING toolbar has decided to add itself to my PC. Despite me going onto the 'add/remove' setting, and deleting it, as soon as my PC is restarted, it's there again. Whilst it is'nt doing any harm, it's annoying me, as I don't want it there!

Is there any other way I can get rid of this forever?



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I think if you right-click on the toolbar you will see a drop-down list and you need to untick the Bing option.


I've done this, and it does disable the toolbar. Also, I've just gone onto the add/remove setting, and removed(again) the bing toolbar file. I've just noticed that after I closed/restarted my PC, the bing toolbar has appeared again, despite it 'not being installed' on my PC?

I can't understand how it's doing this.

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I think the toolbar probably added itself to your computer when you installed another program? If this is the case, remove Bing AND the offending program, then re-install it but make sure you untick the "add Bing as my toolbar" or whatever it says during installation.

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I've tried this a few times mikky, and it does remove it. But when I restart the PC, it's there again. It's only taking up 28gb of my memory space, but I don't want it there.

I'm using Windows Explorer, so I think I'll try a different browser.


I hope you mean 28 meg and not gig of space as that's alot ?

Like others have said it will be associated with another program - I think each time I update Adobe it tries to add Bing or similar.

You have to uncheck a box prior to install which I think is totally wrong - If I want something, then I should choose it, and not the other way round.


You'll sort it.

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I hope you mean 28 meg and not gig of space as that's alot ?

Like others have said it will be associated with another program - I think each time I update Adobe it tries to add Bing or similar.

You have to uncheck a box prior to install which I think is totally wrong - If I want something, then I should choose it, and not the other way round.


You'll sort it.


Yes, I meant 28 megabyte. But, as you said, if I want it, I'll ask for it, and not be given something I don't want.

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This is very annoying and increasingly common. As has been previously said, when you're offered an update you're often "given" all sorts of unwanted add-ons, some of which are incredibly difficlt to remove as Steve has found out. Steve, have you tried removing the program via Control Panel?

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This is very annoying and increasingly common. As has been previously said, when you're offered an update you're often "given" all sorts of unwanted add-ons, some of which are incredibly difficlt to remove as Steve has found out. Steve, have you tried removing the program via Control Panel?


Yes. Using the Control Panel - 'Add/Remove' option is what I have done many times.

Never mind, it will just have to sit there in the background.

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Try this







The trouble is some of the poxy 3rd party add on dont always reside in your program files.


Edited by Alanl50
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